Hey, um, Magnezone's sheet is lacking your credit text. Although Magnezone looks a little old and you might be redoing the sheet later anyway, just wanted to point it out.
Your new Pokémon look fantastic, though. I need to get back on track and see which ones you've done.
Yeah, I'm eventually going to remake him, so it doesn't matter much right now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention though. And thanks!
Anyway, here's another 'big' update, four more smaller Pokemon:
![[Image: Tag269.png]](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b55/Joshr_691/Tag269.png)
![[Image: Tag270.png]](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b55/Joshr_691/Tag270.png)
![[Image: Tag271.png]](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b55/Joshr_691/Tag271.png)
I have Seventeen more of these types of Pokemon (Small and/or barely moving) planned for now, and then at least two older Pokemon like this
Right now I'm 20 Pokemon away from reaching 300 Pokemon Sheets...I should probably figure out if I want to do something Special for it or not...I kind of want to make a Legendary...
These are fantastic, Josh! I saw on the Duosion sheet you made a typo where you had "Csutom" instead of "Custom".
These Pokemon are all so cute!
Oh, Vanillite. How unexpected for me it was to suddenly see you evolve a second time! Thanks for those great sheets!
I love Klink! Super awesome!
Vanillish is kinda kooky, heh.
give us more 1st generation pokemon ):
So...out of nowhere, I decided that my Charizard needed to be redone...This was a spur of the moment thing, and because of it, I haven't had time to work on newer sheets, so here's the new Charizard:
Edit: I changed two of the Poses in the Special Attack to have a Rotated head, so it just doesn't go straight up
That's soo great!!! and much more better than the old one. any hints on what pokemon your going to post next update??
Was his neck always that long?
I'm pretty sure it's always been that long...I may have made it a pixel or two longer for the Special Attack (When he's stretching his neck out), but I think I got the length about right...
Yes, this means I'm still Alive, and I've got some new sheets for you guys:
![[Image: Tag278.png]](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b55/Joshr_691/Tag278.png)
![[Image: Tag279.png]](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b55/Joshr_691/Tag279.png)
![[Image: Tag280.png]](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b55/Joshr_691/Tag280.png)
![[Image: Tag281.png]](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b55/Joshr_691/Tag281.png)
I also Finally Updated the Chart, and I'll put the old one next to it, in case you want to see how many sheets it's been since I updated it last:
Old Chart --
New Chart
...Also, yes, I'm still doing the Smaller Pokemon thing, but there's only Seven more before I get back into the other Sheets...I'm still deciding if I should do something Special for the big 300th Sheet or not
A bit of advice on Monferno's punch assuming that's mach punch wouln't it be a good idea to add some motion blurs because it's a very quick attack?