Toejam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron for the
Pigtail Girl
Tonberry, are you working on Earl or should I go ahead and get him?
Earl is all yours. I'm still cleaning up Toejam. O_O
These might help.
I didn't use the java program for these, so the titles might be slightly off-center. I thought they looked alright though.
EDIT: Except for the fact that they're missing the gray lines at the top. Damn it.
It's cool I'll edit the line in easily
Toejam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron for the
Camera Man
Camera Man Icon
Peabo Icon
That camera guy was annoying. Took forever to get the pose where he was pointing, he didn't want to sit still when he was onscreen.
I haven't had much time to rip lately, so I've only got this one tiny rip for ya.
Eternal Champions for the
Training Spheres
And I just realized I forgot to make an icon >_<
Probotector for the
CX-1 Icon
DJGameFreaktheIguana asked me to rip from this game, so I started on it. Don't worry though, I'll still be ripping from TJ&E as well. Still have plenty of humans left to get from it.
Oh yeah. Probotector for the Mega Drive, where the only character not changed into a robot was the robot. Awesome sheet.
Did you already submit the Ninja Turtles fighting game characters? I thought I saw that you ripped them somewhere... maybe I was wrong.
I did, but they were for the SNES version, so they wouldn't be in this topic. If they are not in my submission topic in the SNES section then i guess I submitted them in the old topic that got deleted when this section got revamped.
I could upload them again.