This is my first submission, It's an edit to make a Pokemon Platinum/Pearl/Diamond style female hero from FireRed/LeafGreen.
I hope I got this right...
This looks good although you're missing some poses and it probably wasn't necessary to put the pixel art next to it since it takes up a lot of space. You could just say that you got that you got the palette from that pixel art instead of putting it there. The skin tone from the original sprites would probably look better on your edit too since right now it looks a bit too light. Lastly, in the future you should post customs or edits in Sprite Discussion before putting them in Submissions.
Thank you, for this, I didn't actually know where I should have posted this.
the colors are extremely washed out
this isn't the palette from FR/LG, is it?
use that.
Well, I've fixed things up, and taken the art away, although it still says that part of the palette is from the PA by Luminey.
@Vipershark: What do you mean by washed out? anyway, the new version is attached, so hope this is more useful...

a bit off topic but, is it necesary to actually use that much space to credit yourself when your sprite is basically so small? i'd like to know because as it is now, the whole credits and stuff is basically 70% of your submission.
Probably not, but I'm still trying to work out my tag...
Take out the whole tag and place the text from the beginning to before mention of your comic. Then you can border that, but not too big if even at all.
just put your name and thats all. for a sheet of that size and for such a simple recolor/edit its more like a lame excuse to advertise your comic more than anything.
Well, I decided today that I'd resubmit it here, along with a male trainer too. I got rid of the old tag, so it eats up less space.
![[Image: frlgtrainers.png]](
salamar at 2009-09-04
Male trainer's face has no different crom the DPPt fisherman face, and it ages him about 20 years. =/
I had a try at changing it but it just didn't look right. when I next get the time I'll have another go...
Ok, I've fixed them.
New version looks alot better, it didn't take too long to work out why it looked wrong...
![[Image: frlgtrainersv2.png]](
salamar at 2009-09-05