(05-18-2009, 09:16 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]No it'd be different. You still capture Pokemon but you use them to survive. Once your Pokemon faint that's it! You are defenseless! There's no Pokemon Centers and the game doesn't "black out" you keep going trying to recapture Pokemon to keep yourself alive. Without Pokemon to defend you you will enter a battle yourself, it will be like Safari Zone style except the Pokemon will attack you!
A little more like Ranger then?
By the was I've got major plans for this project and once I get a little more base work done I'm hoping for some help from all of you guys

Caught 3 Caterpies [???]
"Ugh, that was gross!" [???] -> [Bad]
Caught Pidgey
-Roast [Use Flint x3]
-Roast [Use Charmander]
-Eat Raw
-Pluck Feathers
"You tear away at the bird, it flutters as you break the thin muscle and gnaw away at its inner organs"
New title- "Ruthless Native"
(05-18-2009, 09:16 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]No it'd be different. You still capture Pokemon but you use them to survive. Once your Pokemon faint that's it! You are defenseless! There's no Pokemon Centers and the game doesn't "black out" you keep going trying to recapture Pokemon to keep yourself alive. Without Pokemon to defend you you will enter a battle yourself, it will be like Safari Zone style except the Pokemon will attack you!
post-apocalyptic soldier pokemons
(05-17-2009, 09:30 PM)moz Wrote: [ -> ]Shawn, of all people, you shouldn't be collabing ):<
Especially on a pokemon fan game.
Having an established team, rather than two spriters and some enthusiasm would help. =)
Yeah, I can't tell how many I've seen fall through the floor. Actually have a general sense of direction with what your doing and a decent team base and you'll already be better than 99% of other attempted projects.
(Also, I'm tired of random nobodies on other sites PMing me going "can i use your pokemons lol?", only to have nothing to show for it.

bumping because I'm stiil working on this project.
![[Image: bam.png]](http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i215/zac129/bam.png)
At first glance the trees look too soft so I would suggest either beefing up the contrast or adding a darker shade in there.