TSR Challenge #5: Your Childhood Book Mockup!
Since we haven't had a mockup challenge yet, I thought now would be a good time.
So this week,
you are challenged to:Create a mockup of a fictinal game based on books you read/were read to as a child.
Size: No Limit
Colors: No Limit
Animation: Optional
Transparency: Optional
Due Date: Sunday 12 am
GMT of next week.
Additional: If the book had pictures and its own art style, you don't necessarily have to create a mock up using that style, in fact, I encourage you don't use it's original art as a reference, invision Dr. Suess how you imagine his books to be. And "Books you read as a child" means childrens books. Don't give me BS like you read To Kill A Mockinbird in 3rd grade. I'll count Goosebumps and comic books in this aswell.
You can do any genre of videogame you like.
When posting your mockup, please state what book it's based on and the author if possible.
And you can't use comics or books based on actual video games.
Good luck and have fun!!
"The Dark World of Edgar Allen Poe". Hmmmm I honestly may give this one my best shot if I get the time.
Mozzy is hoping for some Where the Wild Things mockups.
I read this one book about how leopards got their spots and how camels got their humps and why black people are black, I think I'll do that one.
(05-17-2009, 09:41 PM)AceTrainer♂BigG Wrote: [ -> ]Mozzy is hoping for some Where the Wild Things mockups.
Fuck yes. I wanted to do this as the first challenge but I thought it would be too hard for everbody.
I definetly won't have any time to enter this challenge myself though ):
Count me in

do the old sonic comics count? those were great.
C'mon :l
For once, can we not base things on video games, it makes things much more interesting.
And no, new rule added.
I ain't done one in a while, so heck I will join....
Alright, I am up for this.
i'm in
anything to bring back those forgotten days...
I can't remember any childhoor books
Oh, wait. There was one with a caterpillar eating lots of fruits...
i dont remember reading anything other than like.. wheres waldo. >:U