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Full Version: Somone should organize another Pokemon tournament
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That is all.

Friend codes;

Ton- 1289 5652 1933
AceTrainer BigG- 1934 7343 9856
Devicho- 3179-2772-7034
Zac- 1547 6431 5086
Phantom K- 3352 0986 7043
Cshad- 2192 4575 1145
JarJar- 1075 6624 4081
AJ- 2191 4273 3482
Omega- 4382-8031-3293
Yes please.
I support this
Ok, screw it. I wanna battle. Who's up for it?
I kinda want to but my team isn't that great.
People need to get hold on their teams first.
My pokemon suck, but I'm in.
1289 5652 1933

What level must my pocket monsters be? 100?

Edit: Add me Ton: Mine is 1934 7343 9856

I don't battle with voice chat it's wierd.
What do you say to somone you know nothing about? :p
Mine is 3179-2772-7034

EDIT: You can set levels to be 100, right? I've only done like three battles online.
Add me too Devicho :>
My pearl code is 1547 6431 5086
it will have to do entill I complete Platinum version.

Anyone up for a quickie now?
Will do! C:
Got you both now.
OK, registered you two. I'll fight Ace first.
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