Try adding some movement to the CooCoos body.
I like that purple dragon

It's obvious that you have skill.
And a sense of shading, very nice.
Crit later when I am not shitminded.
Isn't that dragon from Super Paper Mario?
Anyways, like SuperKirby said, the CooCoo could use some movement. Perhaps fluttering up and down, turning to look right and left after a while and blinking.
@ Buttbutt & SuperKirby: Thank you
@ Neslug: The fluttering would be in-code to prevent difficulties with the collision engine.
And yes, that purple dragon is from Super Paper Mario.
Sorry to double-post, but here is a new sprite:
Not sure if I can use him for the contest since nobody answered my question, but it was still fun.
Haha, looks good. The aa doesn't work in some parts though, like at the bottom.
What book is he from.
"Why Kings and Queens Don't Wear Crowns" from 2006