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Double Dragon (Genesis)
Enemies and Bosses
[Image: ddragonmdjefficon.png]
Double Dragon (Genesis)
Enemies and Bosses
[Image: ddragonmdropericon.png]

[Image: ddragonmdmission1icon.png]

That's it for the characters.
Jang Pung 3 (Other Systems)
Playable Characters
[Image: jangpung3dragonicon.png]

Pocket Monster (Genesis)
[Image: pocketmonstermdicon.png]
Playable Character
[Image: pocketmonstermdpikachui.png]

I thought everyone (or most people) here liked Pokemon...
I saw a video on youtube about this game, is it a pirate or was it licenced by GameFreak/Nintendo?
I believe it's hacked. There are lots of those games on Genesis, like Woody Woodpecker or Duke Nukem 3D (at least I THINK they are hacked) and Somari on the Nintendo system
It is a pirate since the only game that I can recall that Gamefreak made on there was Pulseman. Woody Woodpecker however isn't a pirate since Tec Toy was pretty much Sega Brazil at the time getting licences from publishers (even games that weren't finished like Battletoads in Battlemaniacs or unreleased in other countries like Dynamite Headdy), Woody Woodpecker was one of the few original games that Tec Toy made that judging by the credits got help from Sega of America as well, I'm not sure on Duke Nukem 3D. I do know that later on they hacked some Game Gear games for the Master System themselves. A lot of gaming from other places in the world is still a mystery. Anyway:

Pocket Monster (Genesis)
Enemies and Bosses
[Image: pocketmonstermdbossesic.png]

Also these were ignored:
Double Dragon (Genesis)
Enemies and Bosses
[Image: ddragonmdaboboicon.png][Image: ddragonmdwilliamsicon.png]

I feel so demoralised right now with ripping. I don't want to go over all the details (let's just say that one member here knows) and I suppose you can find them by searching, actually feel sorry about it as well. It's going to take a lot to go back into the ring as they say.
Whaddya know, the earliest traces of Fake Pokemon. I just love that Pikachu is the star of this game, and every pirate ever concived.
Aww, hope you feel better soon, Yawackhary. I love your rips. Sad
Well I'm feeling a bit better but not quite fully there yet, still one step at a time until I feel ready again.
Battletoads and Double Dragon (Genesis)*
Playable Characters
[Image: btddmdicon.png]
[Image: btddmdbillyjimmyicon.png]

* The title screen is just called Battletoads Double Dragon but the ROM header calls it Battletoads and Double Dragon, so that's what I called it plus it makes more sense.
If you want a space saving one compared to the easier to use rip, I have it here:

Besides I can't call Gamestop for Battletoads, they don't exist in my country.
Great stuff, man. We've got a bit of a Battletoads overload this week. O_O
Looks like we missed the Battletoads memo
Nice one
While I'm not fully there, however I am better enough to start ripping again.

Pocket Monster II (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: pocketmonster2pikachuic.png]
[Image: pocketmonster2icon.png]

The Chaos Engine 2 (Genesis Alpha/prototype)
Playable Characters
[Image: cengine2betagentlemanna.png]
[Image: cengine2betaicon.png]

Mistaken as a prototype of the original on ROM sites, presumably cancelled around 1994/1995 and it is really early with only 1 stage and 2 characters. It was a good thing too cause when it was released really late on the Amiga (Christmas 1996 when everyone had Playstations and many had N64s as import models), everyone hated it to the point of not mentioning its name.

Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (Genesis)
Playable Characters
[Image: ddragon3billyleeicon.png][Image: ddragon3roneysunnyicon.png][Image: ddragon3seimetaimeicon.png][Image: ddragon3masaonunioicon.png]

Space saving versions instead of easy use:

[Image: ddragon3mission1icon.png][Image: ddragon3mission2icon.png][Image: ddragon3mission4icon.png]

[Image: ddragon3icon.png]

Even rubbish games like this need attention, strangely better than the original arcade version as it is more playable for some reason. The shops will be on a seperate sheet as they share a few sprites.

Jang Pung 3 (Other Systems)
Playable Characters
[Image: jangpung3mrsbrunoicon.png]

I will be ripping more Battletoads and Double Dragon, just when I get time to finish it.
Double Dragon 3? How about the NES-version with "Bimmy & Jimmy"? xD
Davias, I think of that every time I see "Billy and Jimmy." Wow, Yawackhary, you've been busy! Glad you're feeling better little by little.
Davias, maybe just maybe... Anyway:

Battletoads and Double Dragon (Genesis)
Playable characters
[Image: btddmdbattletoadsicon.png]

I don't know how much moar Battletoads tSR can take.