08-11-2009, 11:54 PM

Resident Evil 2
![[Image: RE2InventoryIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Resident%20Evil/RE2InventoryIcon.png)
And now...A little bit of showoff:
Resident Evil 1
- Albert Wesker
- Enrico Marini
- Forest Speyer
- Kenneth J. Sullivan
- Richard Aiken
- Chris Redfield's Alternative Costume - Made in Heaven
- Chris Redfield's Alternative Costume - Arrange Mode
- Jill Valentine's Alternative Costume - Civilian/ Black top
- Jill Valentine's Alternative Costume - Arrange Mode
- Rebecca Chamber's Alternative Costume - Red
Resident Evil 2
- Annette Birkin
- Ben Bertolucci
- Brad Vickers (Zombie)
- Brian Irons
- G - 1st Form
- G - 2nd Form
- G - 3rd Form
- G - 4th Form
- G - 5th Form
- Marvin Branagh
- Mayor's daughter
- Robert Kendo (the Gun Store owner)
Resident Evil 3
- Brad Vickers
- Brad Vickers (dead)
- Brian Irons
- Dario Rosso
- Dario Rosso (dead)
- Dario's daughter
- Marvin Branagh
- Mikhail Victor
- Mikhail Victor (wounded)
- Nicholai Ginovaef
- Nicholai Ginovaef (dead)
- Tyrell Patrick
- Zombies (1)
- Zombies (2)
- Zombies (3)
Resident Evil : Survivor
- Andy Holland
- Ark Thompson
- Lily Klein
- Lott Klein
- Vincent Goldman
(Trivia: most of RE: Survivor textures I found upside down! o_O Weird)
Also ripped, but I'm not going to submit anytime soon too:
Final Fantasy VIII
- All playable character's weapons (Squall, Quistis, Zell, Selphie, Rinoa, Irvine, Seifer, Laguna, Kiros, Ward)
- Behemoth
- Bomb
- Pupu
- Torama (Coerl)
Final Fantasy IX
- Trance Amarant
- Knights of Pluto
- Alexandrian Soldier (females)
Vagrant Story
- Ashley Riot (all outfits)
- Sidney Losstarot (all outfits)
- Callo Melrose (all outfits)
- Duke Aldous Byron Bardoba (all appearances)
- Joshua Corrinne Bardoba
- Father Duane
- Father Grissom (alive and dead)
- Romeo Guildenstern (all appearances)
- John Hardin
- Inquisitor Heldricht
- Steward LeSait
- Marco
- Lady Neesa
- Jan Rosencrantz
- Lady Samantha
- Tia
- Sir Tieger
Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII -
- Aerith
- Angeal (normal and winged)
- Bahamuth
- Bahamuth Fury
- Behemoth
- Behemoth King
- Cait Sith
- Chocobo
- Cissnei (all 2 outfits)
- Cloud (all 2 outfits)
- Cloud's mother
- Flower Carts (all 3)
- Genesis (normal, winged, begin degrade)
- Gillian
- Hojo
- Holland (all appearances)
- Ifrit
- Jenova
- Lazard (all appearances)
- Magic Pot
- Makonoid (aka "experiment at Nibelheim Reactor")
- Malboro
- Minerva
- Moogle
- Reno
- Rude
- Sephiroth
- Shinra soldier (both green and red "scarfs")
- SOLDIER 2nd and 3rd classes
- Tifa
- Tonberry
- Master Tonberry/Tonberry Guard
- Tseng
- Yuffie
- Zack (all appearances)
If somebody got any character/monster request from any of these games (FFVIII, FFIX, FFCrisis Core, RE1, RE2, RE3, RESurvivor or Vagrant Story), just say it and I'll try to rip. I'm going to hold them for a while.