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It's like we (seldom) say around here: That is no use to discuss angel's gender, right? Let's save our time to talk about more important stuff XD

Now a real quick one

[Image: MIFettuciniIcon.png]
Great job! Big Grin
Arrrrr! Ye sea urchins! Beware my crew of fearsome sea dogs!

...Or somethin' like that

[Image: MIRandomPiratesIcon.png]

EDIT: Whoa! #1000 !
Awesome! Congrats!
Very awesome, dude!
Now unless you guys are interested in random useless ghosts, ghosts rats and fishes, I'm moving on Monkey Island 2 (as if piano-playing monkeys are much better than ghost rats or...DOPEFISH)

[Image: MI2JoJoIcon.png][Image: MI2LibrarianIcon.png][Image: MI2PriestIcon.png][Image: MI2WoodsmithIcon.png]

How much wood wold a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Awesome. Smile
Whoa, back to Monkey Island 1 for a bit. I managed to rip the inventory from the CD version (which means: inventory with icons, not plain text)

[Image: MI1InventoryIcon.png]

And now I proudly presents you with Guybrush Complete Works! Both sheets were merged into one and the missing sprites are here too!
Aaaand you can pick one of the TWO icons!

[Image: MI1GuybrushIcon-b.png][Image: MI1GuybrushIcon-a.png]

...Ok, I'm done for today. Or for now. Let's see if I get bored again later.
Insomnia and boredom!

- Firion (P2) (Normal and EX)
- Onion Knight (P2) (Normal, Ninja and Sage)
- Bartz (P2)
- Tidus (P2) (FFX's palette! Niiiice)

A little bit of trivia: Firion's American voice actor was the first Black Power Ranger _o\ (Adam Park, remember?). And also many Dissidia voice actors did some role in the most recent games of the series Tales of.

EDIT: Oh, in one of the previous posts I forgot to upload Kefka's texture. Now the link is up. Double checked.
Wicked job on the inventory, and the Threepwood!
Really nice work Big Grin
FFVIII textures! :o

- Dr Kadowaki
- Headmaster Cid
- Ellone
- Moomba

"Grrrr! Laguna! Laguna!"
[Image: GreenTentacleIcon.png]
Wow, these are all amazing! Great job. Big Grin
So more textures and one small extra

Final Fantasy VIII
- Dr. Odine
- Ellone (Child)
- Julia
- Laguna (Older)
- Raine

Chrono Cross
- Serge
- Kid
- Glenn
- Leena
- Nikki
- Crono
- Lucca
- Marle

[Image: WA2GameIcon.png]
Wild Arms 2
[Image: AshleyIcon.png]

Ok, more FFVIII
- Angelo
- Watts
- Zone
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