Leave those for RTB to put up since it now suits his update more - wicked job! Loving the Indy rips.
Okay, you guys decide who put up, I just submit stuff ;p
![[Image: MICannibalsIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Monkey%20Island/MICannibalsIcon.png)
Man, I really hope they make a new Monkey Island game...
Supposedly they're re-releasing the first one on X-Box Live.
I read that too, I guess it was at Kotaku
I hope they hire Ron Gilbert again, the series sure need him (
his blog )
Double post! :o
Decided to rip something else
My Sims (Mobile)
![[Image: MySimsPlayableIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20Mobile/MySimsPlayableIcon.png)
Fish bait!
32 sheets still to upload, better take a break XP
More 3 sheets I did before I went to watch the new Star Trek movie.
![[Image: DukeNukem2-EnemiesIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20PC/DukeNukem2-EnemiesIcon.png)
I wanted to assemble and up this guy for a while
How I'd love if I said to my stalker to "Drop dead" he actually did

LeChuck!! YAY!
Also, I'm assuming RTB will put all these up as well - I wish he'd post in topics he uploads stuff from like I tend to

(05-28-2009, 02:32 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]LeChuck!! YAY!
Also, I'm assuming RTB will put all these up as well - I wish he'd post in topics he uploads stuff from like I tend to 
Sorry, I've been forgetting to.
Anyway, I'll put up LeChuck, and you put up the Duke Nukem sheets.
Only LeChuck? No Cannibals, Indy, etc? XD
(05-28-2009, 12:33 PM)Ultimecia Wrote: [ -> ]Only LeChuck? No Cannibals, Indy, etc? XD
I already got all of those ones up.

Got all of them uploaded? I didn't see @_@
Some mobile goodness
Rolling with Katamari (mobile)
Warcraft: Faction of the Disaster (mobile)
Actually this Warcraft game is yet ANOTHER pirate
(05-28-2009, 09:58 PM)Ultimecia Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: KatamariIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20Mobile/KatamariIcon.png)
Ultimecia, I might leave my girlfriend just to have the chance of making love to you for ripping this...