Well, double post. Go back to the previous page to check my Adventures of Batman & Robin rip ;p
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
This Ellen was the one turned blond in the american PSX version of Revelations: Persona and had one humorous unintentionally racist line ("Roses are red, zombies are blue, but my face is white, so you know I'm true"). Her Japanese name is Eriko.
I hated The Riddler's level because they went over the top with some of the riddles, even if you already knew the answer. (Plus, one of them was hidden under a wall that nobody said you could destroy.

The only hard puzzle was the key one, but I remembered the TV show. If wasn't for that, I'd be screwed. All the other puzzles were easy. And after walking into circles for the first time I checked every dead end with the X-Ray, so it wasn't that hard, just logical.
Random rips!
DemiKids - Light/Dark Version (GBA)
Playable Characters
I might rip the in-battle demons, so...
And yeah, think of it as "What if Shin Megami Tensei were Pokemon?". It's DemiKids. You play with Akira in the Dark Version and Jin in the Light version.
Nevermind, just ripped it.
![[Image: demikidsmonstersicon.png]](http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/1/demikidsmonstersicon.png)
What's the final boss in those games anyway? I never actually played through the whole things.
They do, but it's not separated by classes. It's all mixed together and they have class (Common, General, King, Elite, etc ), type (Good, Alt, Evil, etc) and alignment (N, E, T, L, F, W, etc), so I have no idea how I'd classify them (by class? By type? Alignment? Element?) and the game itself put them all in the same bag, they only have numbers (#001, #002, so forth) so I thought of splitting them into 20 or so, but then the main character's demons aren't numerated. So... Meh, all together it is. Do you have any thoughts?
Makes me glad that the other games have classes in them, saves the need for a giant sheet.
Being able to access the bestiary (Demonary in this game) I don't mind making one huge sheet
In any case, just updated the monster sheet. I had one duplicated monster :p
(04-01-2010, 04:34 PM)Ultimecia Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: DemiKidsGame.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20GBA/DemiKidsGame.png)
I remember actually owning one of these games. Instead, the GBA had to be a total dweeb and kicked me back to some point in the game after beating the final boss.
(forgot who, but I still recognize that it was a three-segment final boss, you had to destroy each one, he was all dark and crap)
Nice rips though, I had a few, but I always forgot to do so, is it okay for me to upload one of the maps though? I gots one of them done.
Sure thing ;p I don't intent on ripping the maps
Nice Demons sheet, did ya play through the game to get them all?
Unfortunately no. But I intent to as soon I finish Persona 2 Eternal Punishment.
In both games you can access the bestiary at will, so a fairly simple gameshark code unlocked everything. All I had to do was to rip it as soon it became accessible and check out if there are different demons at both versions, as they are different stories. The only difference was the initial demons, the sol lion called Rand and the hylon called Gale (the two from the last row).
More Megaten stuff
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
![[Image: P2ISTamakiUchidaIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Persona%202%20Innocent%20Sin/P2ISTamakiUchidaIcon.png)
Tamaki is the female protagonist from Shin Megami Tensei If... (SNes/PSx) and along with Tadashi they are alumni from St. Hermelin (Persona 1). Both work at Kuzunoha Detective Agency with Daisuke Todoroki. In Eternal Punishment she hides a rumormonger Nekomata at the agency's bathroom. Oh, and in Persona 2: IS she's engaged with Tadashi.
Bored (but again, I'm always bored) so I decided to rip something to mess up.
Revelations - Persona (Playstation)
![[Image: P1ProtagonistUSAIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20PS1-PS2/P1ProtagonistUSAIcon.png)
Deathbringer ripped the original Japanese version, and I decided to rip the atrocity they did at the original American localization. Just check out the icons:
![[Image: protagonist_icon.png]](http://spriters-resource.com/psx_ps2/revelationspersona/protagonist_icon.png)
And yes, I'm done with this game. If I decide to play, it's going to be the PSP version. Ciao