I was going to skip this week's update, but thanks to Dunkelschwamm I managed to rip the last two bosses from
Spear of Destiny
Being in the Third Reich certainly didn't worked out so well for the Grosse family
I was bored so I decided to rip something from the GBA. Now I'm bored, annoyed and got a mild headache, but you guys got a new sheet
Enchanted: Once Upon Andalasia (GBA)
![[Image: GBAEnchantedGiseleIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20GBA/GBAEnchantedGiseleIcon.png)
Badass! More Blood sprites is always a good thing

Awesome rips from another great shooter! I still remember the "Battle" against the Final Boss; it was totally ridiculous: a hidden chamber opened, and the Boss tried to step out, but he couldn't, because i was constantly shooting him in the Face with Napalm until he died - poor soul.
I must've been doing it wrong, I always wasted all my napalm on the spiders

I think you got a bit of exploding Bone Eel in your Acid Pod there (wow that didn't sound suggestive at all). Great rips! The Gill Beast was always a personal favorite of mine.
Mmmhmhmhmhmhm...Are you trying to fire me up? ;p
And damn you! I had just uploaded the Bone Eel itself! Thanks XD
Acid pod updated
"They're gonna need a bucket and a mop when I'm done with you!"
![[Image: Blood1BoneEelIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20PC/Blood1BoneEelIcon.png)
![[Image: Blood1BurningIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20PC/Blood1BurningIcon.png)
![[Image: Blood1CivilianIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20PC/Blood1CivilianIcon.png)
![[Image: Blood1CrittersIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20PC/Blood1CrittersIcon.png)
![[Image: Blood1MimeIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20PC/Blood1MimeIcon.png)
Special Effects/Misc (I'm pretty sure there is a Misc category at the site)
Alright, Blood completed. All I need to rip now is the cultist recolors (which I have no idea how to do so)
Sorry Mageker! Emil's next, I promise!
ToS: Dawn of the New World
Richter is pure awesomeness, too bad he can't cook :o
Regular Emil and Ratatosk Emil are next
The European version is so handy! It got a skit theater! Loved it! That's so cool! I wish the American one had it too :/
And more
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
I was going to rip them for next week but...Oh well. Maybe I should finish all the regular demons next week, what do you say? There's 8 arcana (Death, Temperance, Devil, Tower, Star, Moon, Judgment and World) left and I should update the Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant & Justice arcana with the Sun arcana (also only one demon)
Now only Jun's initial Persona (Hermes) is left from the exclusive ones
![[Image: P2ISFortuneIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Persona%202%20Innocent%20Sin/P2ISFortuneIcon.png)
![[Image: P2ISHangedmanIconA.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Persona%202%20Innocent%20Sin/P2ISHangedmanIconA.png)
Did you know that Cerberus was the demon used by the original Megami Tensei protagonist, Akemi Nakajima? The demon follows the book's description instead of the original Greek appearance (3 or 50 heads, sometimes described as having a serpent's mane). In Megami Tensei Imagine it's possible to get the 3-headed version if you do certain requirements
I also couldn't decide Hangedman's icon, so...Have fun :p
Alright! My last one! (for this week)
"Ain Soph Aur!"
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
That's all :p
![[Image: Marta01.gif]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Marta01.gif)
*giggle* This week's update is going to be so dreamy!
![[Image: Love.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Love.png)
One update and one new, both from ToS2: Dawn of the New World
![[Image: WiiToS2DotNWExpressionsSkitsIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20Wii/WiiToS2DotNWExpressionsSkitsIcon.png)