I usually don't take requests, but this one was like an excuse to tackle and rip those at once. I was planning for some time
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Wii)
![[Image: WiiToS2DotNWRegalSkitsIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20Wii/WiiToS2DotNWRegalSkitsIcon.png)
![[Image: WiiToS2DotNWZelosSkitsIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20Wii/WiiToS2DotNWZelosSkitsIcon.png)
Awesome thank you so much! I seriously love you.
I see many nice things on this site =)
I will use some of the tiles you've posted, good job!
Just you wait, this week is my turn to update the site :o Got some cool stuff going on

(I'm the Mistress of the Forgotten! Ahahahah)
SMT - Devil Survivor (DS)
Maybe I should rip Black Frost? XP Hee-ho!
Yet more update
![[Image: MegatenDSNaoyaIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20DS/MegatenDSNaoyaIcon.png)
'nuff said
And one totally non-related, I just found around my computer, just forgot to assemble
Dissidia - Final Fantasy (PSP)
...Weird, I could have sworn I had uploaded my puzzle kombat vs from Mortal Kombat: Deception (PS2). That's OK, I'm going to do the icon and upload to tSR along with the endings
Both up now
For some reason I feel like ripping
![[Image: MegatenDSMariIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20DS/MegatenDSMariIcon.png)
I'm not Deathbringer, but I got some SMT: Strange Journey demons :o
![[Image: SMTSJ-LN-PrimeIcon.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll78/ultimeciaffb_2/Various%20DS/SMTSJ-LN-PrimeIcon.png)
Jesuchrist. You never cease to impress me, Ultimecia.
Oh well, got some mugshots/portraits from Devil Survivor
His evil smile during the Naoya ending is creepy o:
oh you actually managed it to get them? Nice =)