Awesome! Then they're rippable. Hopefully I or someone else can rip them at some point. I'll start looking throught he internal files and see if there's any easy way to do it.
(07-27-2009, 12:46 PM)Carpaccio Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome! Then they're rippable. Hopefully I or someone else can rip them at some point. I'll start looking throught he internal files and see if there's any easy way to do it.
I... are you even reading my posts?!
I think he was actually reffering to his in game model, like when used in the bosses and such which I do belive is a 3d model not pre rendered.
(07-27-2009, 03:55 PM)Flare Wrote: [ -> ]I think he was actually reffering to his in game model, like when used in the bosses and such which I do belive is a 3d model not pre rendered.
Darn kid wasn't being clear then. No there are no pre-rendered sprites of the player model.
Idle hands are the devil's plaything... for making more rips!
Here's some more tileset badassery, this time from a pirate/fangame called Sonyc for the GBA (Black Squirrel ripped from this one before)
I left the tilesets as-is from when I ripped them and I didn't add any tags to the sheets.
And here's the sheets I promised:
The Sky Zone zip isn't found - but jesus, otherwise, this is great! Really amazing work dude!
(08-25-2009, 03:06 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]The Sky Zone zip isn't found - but jesus, otherwise, this is great! Really amazing work dude!
It's another case of a misspelled file name. I fixed those links, they should be working now.
Ah right ok, all uploaded!