(05-28-2009, 04:51 PM)BrawlLuvr Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying I won't take the advice, because I will take all suggestions, but I'm under parental rules: "Ask first, before you download..."
oh okay, you're just too young to be here legally
got it
you need to be at least 13 bro, it says it in big bold letters in that huge group of paragraphs you didn't read and just clicked ACCEPT on.
(05-28-2009, 07:10 PM)Fuck Im Great Wrote: [ -> ] (05-28-2009, 04:51 PM)BrawlLuvr Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying I won't take the advice, because I will take all suggestions, but I'm under parental rules: "Ask first, before you download..."
oh okay, you're just too young to be here legally
got it
you need to be at least 13 bro, it says it in big bold letters in that huge group of paragraphs you didn't read and just clicked ACCEPT on.
T_T I'm freakin' 14!!
(05-28-2009, 05:51 PM)Gym Leader Diogalesu Wrote: [ -> ] (05-28-2009, 04:51 PM)BrawlLuvr Wrote: [ -> ] (05-27-2009, 06:14 PM)Fuck Im Great Wrote: [ -> ] (05-25-2009, 05:50 PM)BrawlLuvr Wrote: [ -> ]
I have a Windows XP Pc with the brain of a crocodile and I am only able to use its painting program!!
almost entirely certain this is a troll
T_T What do u mean "troll"??...
Quit pretending like you don't know
ether way at this point I see no reason why this should even be open
T_T I don't know what u mean! Now, WHAT R U TALKIN' BOUT THAT THIS SHOULDN'T BE OPENED!!!

You don't ac-
Oh wait, better argument. I'm 14 and I don't act like every little thing is an insult.
I don't think this is a troll.
Y'know what?
You're spending too much time acting iall indignant to well-meant but harshly put advice. Getting angry, ignoring basic spelling and/or grammar and using random emoticons isn't going to make them treat you better; and it definitely isn't going to improve your sprites.
I'm... not going to lock this, but if you keep responding in the tone you are now, I'm going to warn you for flaming, and lock the thread. And to the rest of you (especially Diogalesu) stop baiting him; save it for Spamhaul.
(05-29-2009, 07:42 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]Y'know what?
You're spending too much time acting iall indignant to well-meant but harshly put advice. Getting angry, ignoring basic spelling and/or grammar and using random emoticons isn't going to make them treat you better; and it definitely isn't going to improve your sprites.
I'm... not going to lock this, but if you keep responding in the tone you are now, I'm going to warn you for flaming, and lock the thread. And to the rest of you (especially Diogalesu) stop baiting him; save it for Spamhaul.
Okay, I apologize for my temper...just please don't lock this
Here's my own edited realistic Donkey Kong Sprite. Hope ya' like it!

I haven't seen this type of thing in a long time. Sprites aren't meant to be edited like that, as to properly use them they have to be in whatever restrictions you have for the pixels, otherwise it looks absurdly pixelated and bad. I'm not really explaining it well, but pretty much don't enlarge a sprite and then edit it, it looks bad.
Also, wanna give credit to whoever made that DK sprite?
(06-01-2009, 01:30 PM)Robo-Trainer Drei Wrote: [ -> ]Subpixels. I haven't seen those in a long time. Sprites aren't meant to be edited like that, as to properly use them they have to be in whatever restrictions you have for the pixels, otherwise it looks absurdly pixelated and bad. I'm not really explaining it well, but pretty much don't enlarge a sprite and then edit it, it looks bad.
Also, wanna give credit to whoever made that DK sprite?
One: Thank for the advice!

Two: Thank you for reminding me to give credit

Also could you please upload this to imageshack, instead of using the forum-upload thing, attacher? I don't know what it's called
(06-01-2009, 07:21 PM)GearThepat Wrote: [ -> ]Also could you please upload this to imageshack, instead of using the forum-upload thing, attacher? I don't know what it's called
I'm just
asking, but why should I move my pics there?...
Oh! BTW no one's chosen what sprite they like.........

Because having to download an image manually on a sprite/graphics forum gets pretty fucking ridiculous when every newbie does it.
And give credit for that donkey kong sprite already.
ONE MORE THING JACKIE CHAN, that's not subpixeling. Subpixeling is where you make your sprites to take advantage of screen construction, using the individual color portions as pixels, manipulating thier brightness to make it seem higher resolution than it really is. Blown up, it looks like strange anti-aliasing, but rendered on the proper screen (LCD, CRT and other monitor types have special arrangements of pixels, so it changes between type) it looks much softer and more detailed.
Oh shi-
You are right. I actually forgot what this is called, its been so long.
(06-03-2009, 12:29 AM)BrawlLuvr Wrote: [ -> ]but why should I move my pics there?...
because it's rule 5 or 6 or something around there
if you're seriously too lazy to upload anything to imageshack, you're going to get a significantly smaller amount of comments on your work than you would if you did
Jesus Christ, would it kill you guys to upload your sprites there and post them here? Attachments are incredibly annoying, especially when I have to download the sprite only for it to end up being a shitty recolor. Not only that but it makes the poster look like an amateur. All you have to do is make an account, upload the image, and paste the link here. Make sure you put it between [.IMG] [/IMG] (without the period)
Please use these sites:
(If you have any other sites, post them here) I personally prefer Photobucket.com
*Image links must end in PNG. GIF. BMP. JPG. or any other file type for images to show correctly.
*NEVER EVER POST JPG!, BMP isn't recommended either. PNG or GIF is fine.
(06-03-2009, 02:26 PM)Fuck Im Great Wrote: [ -> ] (06-03-2009, 12:29 AM)BrawlLuvr Wrote: [ -> ]but why should I move my pics there?...
because it's rule 5 or 6 or something around there
if you're seriously too lazy to upload anything to imageshack, you're going to get a significantly smaller amount of comments on your work than you would if you did
Jesus Christ, would it kill you guys to upload your sprites there and post them here? Attachments are incredibly annoying, especially when I have to download the sprite only for it to end up being a shitty recolor. Not only that but it makes the poster look like an amateur. All you have to do is make an account, upload the image, and paste the link here. Make sure you put it between [.IMG] [/IMG] (without the period)
Please use these sites:
(If you have any other sites, post them here) I personally prefer Photobucket.com
*Image links must end in PNG. GIF. BMP. JPG. or any other file type for images to show correctly.
*NEVER EVER POST JPG!, BMP isn't recommended either. PNG or GIF is fine.

How's this, Zee...:http://my.imageshack.us/v_images.php
What you need to do is go to the imageshackwebsite, upload your image, then use the direct link by copy and pasting.