(06-24-2009, 10:13 AM)EpicWes Wrote: [ -> ]Tried to fix up that flipper, along with a bunch of stuff on Arcanine and Ursaring
![[Image: pokezeroj.png]](http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/1940/pokezeroj.png)
I'm really liking how those are coming along. Something I've noticed though is that Arcanine's yellow fur should be more of a beige color. Palette swap it with the colors of Lapras' neck and it should be just right. Also, I'd get rid of the outline on the ring on Ursaring, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that, but it doesn't look right to me.
Lapras looks much better now
I feel like I'm overtaking this topic. Maybe I should make a new one for just my stuff. Oh well.
Tried Sol's suggestions.
![[Image: pokezerow.png]](http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/365/pokezerow.png)
Ursaring's right shoulder area looks kind of weird.
Yeah, his "flaps" aren't correct. You should be able to see more of the tops of them.
also the palette swap really helped arcanine
(06-24-2009, 11:21 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, his "flaps" aren't correct. You should be able to see more of the tops of them.
also the palette swap really helped arcanine
The palette swap helped a lot actually.
Lapras' neck is too long and his head is too small. In need of serious fixin'.
Muk looks official though, good job!
That was something I noticed when I first drew the head. When I added the body, it didn't look that bad so I decided not to worry. No one mentioned it, so I didn't thinkt o fix it. But here it is anyway. Not sure what to do about Ursaring's shoulders. Do you mind specifying what exactly is the problem? Viper, you said we should see more of the top. but the top is pretty much all that can be seen now.
![[Image: pokezero.png]](http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/4829/pokezero.png)
I think Arcanine needs a little work in the forelegs especially. And does Ursaring have a cubby belly, or is it flat?
It supposed to be flat I think. I did fix his flaps, however.
What part of the forelegs is bad? Are they too big?
![[Image: pokezeroj.png]](http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/1940/pokezeroj.png)
This project looks quite interesting. I might join in later on this if yall don't mind.
Wrong flaps, Wes.
The ones closest to us are fine. Change them back to how they were.
The left (our right) shoulder is what needs fixing.
I'm not really sure how to describe it, but "curve" the flaps down ursaring's front so you can nee more of the tops of them. You should be ale to see a little bit of the middle flap.
Oh, I was talking about Ursaring's right shoulder. Not our right.
I updated the PKMN0 section of PxC's boards with a Spriter's Guideline. If you're doing any sprites for this project, I would recommend you check it out.
Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you post in the PokeDex topic notifying me which Pokemon you're spriting.
Well, I changed the flaps on both sides. I also made some overworlds.
![[Image: pokezero.png]](http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/4829/pokezero.png)