(06-01-2009, 07:12 PM)moz Wrote: [ -> ]atm, the EA conference is on, and they're talking about games for girls. My little pet shop. wow. the dude looked incredibly uncomfortable talking about it.
do they not realize that "games for girls" are what turns girls away from videogames and they'd be just fine making a sequel to Henry Hatsworth because
girls actually play that
fuck this why dont they make games geared towards baby-boomers, you know, that
gigantic demographic that knows zero about videogames yet would love to play them because it would allow them to better bond with their children
you know, that market those Nintendo guys were appealing to last conference
didnt baby boomers play Medal of Honor?
baby boomers are the scum of society kill them all
also ff and tekken for 360
and project natal is p. cool.
I just watched the EA highlights on Gamespot.
Littlest Petshop is pedobait, but it at least looks well made. I wish there was more toy/internet/networking integration when I was a kid.
The Charm Girls games are just Imagine: EA Edition.
New Need For Speed looks really average (and everything it does has already been done by any Midnight Club game after 3)
Saboteur is a BEAUTFUL setting, but why did they make it just another Hitman/Assassin's Creed game?
Fast forwarded through EA Sports and Bioware. Don't care.
I like Brutal Legend a little more, but I'd kill myself if I had to sit through 10,000 lines of Jack Black.
Watching Microsoft now. I wouldn't mind Facebook on my 360 actually.
i didnt know grooveman had an xbox
I don't, but I'm still interested in the games they release.
I do want one, actually, but it's expensive. I don't think I could pay for the online.
Beatles Rockband looks great, but it's still the same old Rockband.
Don't care about Modern Warfare 2. More Generic Shootan.
FF13 looks as great as ever. Sazh is so cool~
Shadow Complex is the Metroidvania for the Call Of Duty generation, and I can dig that. Setting is boring though.
Oh cool, now 360 owners can play Mario Kart (with trappings of Trackmania) too! =D
No opinion on Crackdown 2.
Nor L4D 2.
Ubisoft is responsible for Splinter Cell *and* Imagine Party Babies. Make of that what you will.
Don't care about Forza. Arcade-style racing is far preferable.
Oh hey, more Halo.
I initially mistook Alan Wake for Silent Hill. That was quickly corrected.
Never used Last.FM. I prefer my own control over music - call me a Toltalitarian.
Eh, Netflix. Heard about that last year. Didn't they actually incorporate it then? (no one gives a shit about console TV)
Linking Facebook friends to 360 friends is pretty goddamn useful. I'm surprised Steam hasn't done this. Ditto with killcam updates. Social Networking Chick is pretty cute. I'd add her. (I hate Twitter though D=<)
It is my Preasure to bring Metar Gear Sorrid to 360~ Aww, I wanted to play as Otacon...
Controller is not a barrier; this is set to be rife with recognition issues. It's a cool technology otherwise, though.
"We don't use no preset waggle commands!" OOOOOOH BURRRRRRRN
I'd be more impressed if Claire's name was hard to pronounce or uncommon. Like Mgambwe. Otherwise, Hey You, Shotachu looks like a fun tech demo.
oh god there was Modern Warfare 2 information?
Yeah. It was boring and I skipped most of it.
You climb a mountain and use a snowmobile or someshit.
Yeah. it shows you climbing up a wall with an icepick. animation is amazing.
then theres a blizzard and youre shooting and its like TANGOS ON YOUR SIX WATCH OUT
and then you drive snowmobiles and shit
80 australian so 40 pounds a year isnt much
(06-02-2009, 04:56 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]>More Generic Shootan.
>You climb a mountain and use a snowmobile...
seriously not having aliens and super energy beams and shit hardly makes it "generic shootan".
it's fucking fun
guys im gonna be at work today so im gonna miss nintendo's press conference
tell me what's awesome there ok
like summarize it or something ;3;
Or is there somewhere I can watch a recorded version? :e
edit: it's probably going to be like 20 games we already knew about ):
Gamespot records the conferences.
I dunno, just because you use a snowmobile in one scene doesn't mean the entire game is so MANLY XTREEM HIGH OCTANE. In fact I'm willing to bet that they blew their load on the cinematics and that setpiece; and the mechanics are just the same old.
I don't like FPSs very much (and considering so much of the 360s repetoire is just that); so it'll have to try a bit harder than looking flashy for me to be interested.
Impressive looks =/= fun. So often they've proved to have a negative correlation, sadly...
cod4: modern warfare proves otherwise.
Being a 360 owner,
I'm really happy at whats happened with Microsoft, Lets hope Nintendo doesn't suck ass as much as last year