Great stuff you've got ripped here!

Could you post a section icon for this game?

All else has been uploaded.
This is from Gojira-Kun, the Japanese version of the Godzilla game for the Gameboy.
And since it's technically the same game, you can use an English screenshot for the icon.
I'll post a section tag for Batman over the weekend.
How'd you rip from BTBATB? Was it tile ripping? Cause I've tried that and the palettes are all screwed up.
Tile ripped, yes. And what are you using as the palettes.
Er...well the only thing I could, the palettes that came with them and coordinated to whichever file I was viewing.
Just so we are on the same page, the palettes are in the SCN files.
Oh...sod...I got it wrong then. How do you use the palettes then?
What program are you using?
If you're using Tile Molester, add this to tmspec.xml under palettefilter:
<palettefilter extensions="scn" colorformat="CF00" size="512" offset="0" endianness="little">
<description>SCN Palettes (*.scn)</description>
This should be the right one. The reason why it's 512 is because some files include the background palette and making 2 filters would be a waste of time.
Oh, wait...the palettes were also in the PAL files, but I know why they're not working. You're using Tile Molester Alternate and the filter for PAL is for the pal that one gets from using Visual Boy Advance.
This will open them up right.
<palettefilter extensions="pal" colorformat="CF00" size="512" offset="0" endianness="little">
<description>Batman TB&TB PAL (*.pal)</description>
The ampersand is only there because I couldn't fit "and" without having to line break.
YS is one of those games that I don't think will ever stop being made, but I've never played...
Great rips man