I may keep this up, I may not, but I noticed that tSR seems to lack any form of Star Fox 64 Textures.
So I decided to rip the Great Fox, just for now. Maybe some enemies and bosses eventually.
Hate to say it, but that is, indeed, all there is to the great fox. Once I get back to this project, I'll probably rip the Arwing as well and have it share a sheet with the Great Fox.
But since I'm basically new to ripping, and completely new to texture ripping, I would appreciate if someone could tell me if I messed something up.
Awesome! I was hoping someone would start ripping from this game. There's nothing wrong with this as far as I can tell and I'd definitely love to see more from this game.
Alright, then, I'll keep it up.
EDIT: Also, 200 posts!
EDIT 2: also, now I know why no one's ripped StarFox64's textures; it's a pain in the ass. All of the images are viewable at different widths, so it's literally like trying to find a needle in twelve or thirteen haystacks.
Tile molester is definitely a reliable way to rip many textures, but now the easiest way is probably to use your favorite N64 emulator with a plugin that supports texture dumping. You could just keep looking through with tile editors if you want, but you would be able to rip a lot faster without worrying about texture widths, etc. if you use the method I mentioned.
I could, but I'm stubborn, so I probably won't give up and use Texture Dumping for another week.
Speaking of which, though, do you know of any N64 Emulators that are DirectX 9 compatable? 3D Ripper DX refuses to work with Project64.
No unfortunately. I've tried a whole bunch of different plugins and rippers, but none of them worked. I've gotten textures sometimes, but never models. I haven't tried anything other than Project 64, but since most N64 emulators use the same plugin system I'm doubtful any of them will work. The only emulator I've been able to get anything with is Nemu64, but even then it only rips the geometry and no textures. It doesn't rip the UV coordinates either so its not like you can just stick on the textures. I may have overlooked some things, but believe me when I say I've tried pretty hard to look for a way to rip N64 models with no real results.
Well it's a cool rip none-the-less

I start my summer job today, so I'll be limited to weekends. But hopefully I can find that Arwing.

I did find some misc. Sprites that go with something, but I can't be sure what. I know for sure that I found the texture for the end of the great fox's rockets. Meh, I'll keep at it.
EDIT: Did some research, apparently there are people who have trouble with Texture dumping StarFox64 in particular. I'll definitely look into alternatives but so far it's looking rather bleak...
Hmm, did they say if they were using Project 64 1.7 beta or a variant of Rice's plugin for it? Because the 1.7 beta works great for me for pretty much every N64 game and texture dump I've tried. I can get you a copy of it if it'll help.
Edit: Just checked for myself and I think the problem might have been how some of the bigger textures (ex. the planets in the level progression screen, the title logo) are split into multiple textures to because of the N64's inability to use large textures. It may be a little tricky assembling the pieces, but probably no more difficult than assembling a sprite from a SNES game in tile editors. It'd probably be easier actually since the textures are a lot bigger than 8x8 tiles and therefore show more detail making it easier to tell what goes where.
Well, whatever the deal is...we don't have the level progression planet textures here, either. :/
But I'll look into Rice, definitely...
Also, I found a Directx 9 plugin for Project64, so now hopefully I can start ripping models.
Here's some random textures I just ripped and pieced together that might be helpful.
![[Image: SF64Stuff.png]](http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i82/girrrtacos/SF64Stuff.png)
(This sheet contains transparency)

Damn, did you dump those or use a tile program?
I'd guess that he dumped them. The only real downside to dumping is that you won't get unused textures and you have to remember to get all of the obscure stuff(training, VS mode exclusive levels, etc.).
Eh, well. I've beaten the game several times, so I'll do what I can with texture dumping, myself.