And i brought new stuff
^^ I can´t do much at all, i´m only allowed to use paintbrush and internet explorer, becausa i am at my stepfather´s computer, but i did some stuff ^^
the colours hurt my eyes.

ikts all about fixing your anatomy.
and use less retina burning palettes.
the rest is much apreciated.
Purple outline is sort of bad if you don't know how to use it properly. It doesn't go well with the palattes you've chosen.
jeez you left me talking to the wall at your art topic >

you should definately try to apply some anti-alias in your lines.
Sorry Rival, i had to *zap away *_*
I usually do anti-alias and stuff, but paint is a bitch. My palettes are messy also because i´m using a lot of XP´s defult paint palette, i know i shouldn´t, but once i get my hands on graphics gale again, it will allbe roses. Also, i don´t understand the problem of the purple outline at all -i understand i did something wrong, but not exactly what...
i know it probably animates terribly, but no, i can´t see.
^^ sort of a tuto.. i think.
They look kinda like River City Ransom sprites. The most recent ones, that is.
You need to use less primary color outlines; outlines should almost always be either gray-black or a darker shade of the color used in the area.
I´m admirer of a pixelArtist - Ocean´sDream- Wich uses one-coloured outlines.. Maybe that technique isn´t fot me =/
Either way, not going to edit until i get my hands on Graphics Gale. I HATE PaintBrush. Ugh. Stupid microsoft changed not the program in 20 damn years.
Thanks for the tips^^
any ideas on what style should i follow for the field sprites? I mean, they should be 24x32 max and 3 frames each from 4 directions, nonisometric... ideas...?
=/ usually that´s where i get poor.
(06-15-2009, 09:55 PM)bahamut920 Wrote: [ -> ]outlines should almost always be either gray-black or a darker shade of the color used in the area.
not true.
I like the fairy thing in the first post. x)
I think that's the best of your group here.
Please fix the colors, they are killing my eyes.
Ohey jacopótamo is cool :b sprite the rest of it's body please. And make an headless mule
You seem to sprite veryly good, just need to fix the saturation of the colours.
that blue is just waaaayyyy too saturated, make it a lot less saturated.
also I know it's a whip
what else does it look like? :c
i wrote that because of my school teammates(or whatever you call them) so they wouldn´t bother. ^^
you mean the jeans´blue?