Just recently, I've been playing Dynasty Warriors Gundam. Already completed some stories, and there are still others that have yet to be played. I'm just hoping to play #2 & #3 soon.
Pokemon X. Beat the game 3 days ago, caught Mewtwo last night, and caught Zygarde today. I need to go back and beat Pokemon White so that when Pokemon Bank is finally available I can transfer Pokemon all the way from Gen III to my X copy.
I started Oracle of Seasons this morning.
Already my favorite 2D Zelda so far.
Going through OoT3D pretty well. Up to the Water Temple, and finished the mask trading game.
I didn't know that rabbit guy existed until I went looking for him, he's so random!!!
Decided to give Hearthstone a try, seeing as how I like card games as much as the next guy
..and its free
It's pretty fun, all things considered
Has a bit of a Magic/pokemon/yugioh thing going on, but in a good way
Oh my
Give Super House of Dead Ninjas a try
I just got it for steam and baby
i wanna have its babies
It's a SNES era style hack-n-slash vertical dungeon kind of game that I just love to pieces
Slick gameplay, tight controls, lots of unlockable weapons and abilities, and more enemies to slice up than you can shake a stick at
7 bucks was well worth it, I'd have payed 60 back in the SNES days for a game like this
Adult swim has a flash version of the game for free, If your one of those people who likes to try before you buy; who isn't?
Edit: just realized I double posted

sorry bout that
Still playing Pokemon X, trying to finish the Kalos Dex. Got my Celebi from Pokemon Bank. (: I bought Mario Kart 7 on a whim a few days ago, and I am laughing at the roster. Waluigi isn't a playable character....but "Honey Queen" is? That bee that appeared twice in the Super Mario Galaxy games? Oh, and let's not forget Lakitu and Wiggler! That's who I think of when I think Mario. Mario, Luigi, Honey Queen, Lakitu and Wiggler. It doesn't get any more essential than that.
Been playing a lot of Hearthstone, it's extremely fun and addictive. It feels really awesome when you're down to 1 HP (and the opponent has like 15+), and you manage to stay standing then end up winning

A Link Between Worlds. Oh classic Zelda, how good it is to play you again...
I'm replaying Pokemon Platinum, trying to see if I can beat the game with only Dark types. (I had to trade a Murkrow from my Diamond copy)
Still playing a lot of AC: New Leaf and Super Mario 3D World. I really need to get back to playing Pokemon Y and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds when possible.
Got The Legend of Dragoon up to bat tonight. Didn't get a beta key for Titanfall sadly, but no big deal, it's only a month away anyways.
Tales of Vespiria is good
ToV is my favorite Tales RPG game, tbh. Not that any of them have been bad (I even really like Legendia, which can be pretty dividing among fans), but I feel like Vesperia has the right balance of quirk and serious, and pretty much all of the protagonists are likable characters.
first time to the second loop in nuclear throne
it feels so cool