I finally beat the Elite Four in Pokemon X and became the champion.
i am almost 100% done with other m
i fucking hate it lol
Ha ha, that's in my backlog. I can't wait to torture myself with it too.
Started Super Mario Advance 2: Yoshi's Island when I found and salvaged the lonely, abandoned cartridge sitting in the corner of my little sister's shelf. Only just got past Burt the Bashful so far because I was playing it while in the waiting room of my mom's doctor appointment.
Also up to Chillydip Cove in The Legendary Starfy.
Not to sound impolite, but I think you mean Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island.
Anyway, I never played the SNES version of the game, but I would say that the GBA port is just as good. It's a shame that not even the 3DS has the capability to fully emulate the "all powerful" Super FX Chip, the GBA almost succeeds in doing it. By the way, Mighty, I'm not sure if you are ever going to try this, but have you ever considered getting 100% on all the levels in that game? While I think nothing happens in the original SNES version, you actually get a nice cutscene for your troubles in the GBA port that tells you how many lives you used. It;s a cool feature, but it did lead me to do a play through of the game where I tried my hardest not to spend a single life and redoing entire levels from the start if I did die.
SNES vs GBA: Yoshi's Island:
They perform identically as far as physics and control are concerned. Therefore, if you're all about gameplay, they're equal... the GBA gets bonus points for having some bloody hard bonus levels if you can pull off 100% in each world. (The SNES version has some extra stages, but the GBA has two more per world, if I remember right.)
Sound and visuals are better on the SNES, with the SNES color palette being far darker and with a greater level of contrast that I feel is superior to the GBA version. Naturally, Yoshi's sounds are also different.
I tend to prefer the GBA versions of the Mario games because of the added content.
(03-30-2014, 08:03 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Not to sound impolite, but I think you mean Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island.
Anyway, I never played the SNES version of the game, but I would say that the GBA port is just as good. It's a shame that not even the 3DS has the capability to fully emulate the "all powerful" Super FX Chip, the GBA almost succeeds in doing it. By the way, Mighty, I'm not sure if you are ever going to try this, but have you ever considered getting 100% on all the levels in that game? While I think nothing happens in the original SNES version, you actually get a nice cutscene for your troubles in the GBA port that tells you how many lives you used. It;s a cool feature, but it did lead me to do a play through of the game where I tried my hardest not to spend a single life and redoing entire levels from the start if I did die.
Right, I keep getting 2 and 3 mixed up, lol. I want to get 2 and 4 as well at some point because it's been years since I've played SMW and SMB3.
I actually have beaten the game 100% before (with the exception of the bonus stages, I think... it's been so long), but I did plan on attempting that again and this time beating the bonus stages, too.
Ground Zeroes on PS4. Hell, I'm even
streaming it if anyone cares to watch me suck at it.
I'm mostly playing it until I pass out from sleep deprivation so I can get in-sync with not being on graveyard shifts anymore. Might as well "entertain" others too.
Banjo-Kazooie!! Holy shit it's been a decade since I played this and the feeling of reliving it has been incredible. Definitely a favorite of mine in N64 games.
I recently completed a playthrough of that game myself when I was was on the elliptical. Right now, I just started a plyathrough of Banjo-Tooie to play as I work out.
Seriously, though, what n64 collection of games wouldn't be complete without either of those games?
The blood seal between me and Tom Nook has been payed off
Gemini Rue. It's pretty good so far, just some nice point-and-click adventuring, and the story's pretty intriguing as well. It's fully voice-acted too, which is definitely a plus.
I think the only thing I've played this YEAR is Final Fantasy Legend I & II (I'm making a solo-femaleHuman at FFL1, and a regular gameplay on FFL2). And ocassionally an online Pokemon fangame just for the lulz.
Lately the Rathian population has been reduced, weird how that came to be.
NBA 2K13. The graphics are great on Wii U. Only problem is we don't have a Wii U Pro so I can't play with my brother.