I have a shitty ass 9500 GT and I can run Skyrim pretty flawlessly, though on low settings. The integration of Steam Workshop will make it all the more worth it to own it on a PC.
I just wasted 2 hours playing the iPhone version of Ticket To Ride against the AI. WHAT THE HELL
on the plus side I can now rope other people in for a quick game >

Plants vs. zombies

Oh right, forgot to post here. So I beat and complete X4 as X, and I've started X5 and just beat the first four Mavericks (as normal X instead of Fourth Armor X for a challenge). Now to see if the Enigma will be nice to me this time around... lol.
Gotham impostors. A decent time killer
Saints Row: The Third and Pokemon White. Definitely think SR3 is a lot more fun that GTAIV was, I like how much customization there is, not to mention how haphazard fights can get. And I'm slowly building up a team in White, once I get my old DS back from my brother and can actually transfer Pokemon between Generations quicker, the process will hopefully speed up.
Super Metroid!!
Forgot how much I loved that game..
Recently finished both LoZ: Phantom Hourglass and New Super Mario Bros. The latter still has lots of gameplay left in it, since I'll try and unlock Worlds 4 and 7 (as Luigi!), but Phantom Hourglass is pretty much dry. All there is to do is look for treasure and ship parts.
I've also started Pokemon Black. The most recent I'd played before this was Emerald, but that was only for a short time, the only one I really got far in was Silver, so this is a whole new experience for me. It's really strange, with the 3D buildings and battle effects. The music's also quite different, although I'm getting some slight nostalgia from the Poke Center.
Gotta grind 3 pokémon to level 80 or so so I can fight red in Soul Silver. They're all between level 70-76 so this shouldn't take too long.
Still playing Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Getting more antsy for Xenoblade Chronicles every day!
just beat the Elite Four in Pokemon Crystal.
Been playing Battlefield 3 online. The C4 is so much fun to play around with in that game.
Watching Charlie play through Uncharted 3.
Game is intense.
(02-17-2012, 04:47 AM)Belial Wrote: [ -> ]Been playing Battlefield 3 online. The C4 is so much fun to play around with in that game.
Do you watch Birgirpall? C4 Master
Been playing both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword