I picked up Monster World IV last week on the Wii VC and I'm pleasantly surprised how good this game is. Some of the platforming can be ridiculous though as some enemies can knock you into pits/into lava/other land hazards and you lose 2 hearts of health as a result. I only wish throwing your sidekick could have been more flushed out than just using your buddy to hit faraway switches.
I'm also still playing Pokemon Ruby on my DS. I really need to get back to playing Xenoblade, but I don't have the time right now.

Working my way through Tales of Innocence on the Vita. Not going to finish in time for my next game (Persona 4) which should arrive tomorrow or the next day. Well, as long as I finish both in time for the next Vita RPG in Sunday.
Super Meat Boy is awesome, Psychonauts is awesome, Bastion is awesome, Braid is re-awesome. Been playing them all.
I've also been charging through the missions in Advance Wars: Dual Strike, haven't lost once (yet), no matter which COs I choose. I'd forgotten how fun it was to annihilate the enemy, it's even better when I'm at a disadvantage (makes me feel smart). Capturing properties is also just as fun
Oh yeah, almost forgot, getting back into Pokemon Black. My Roggenrola evolved into a Boldore

(06-13-2012, 09:21 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yeah, almost forgot, getting back into Pokemon Black. My Roggenrola evolved into a Boldore 
I have a Roggenrola too! I used it to beat Lenora.

(06-13-2012, 11:41 AM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ] (06-13-2012, 09:21 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yeah, almost forgot, getting back into Pokemon Black. My Roggenrola evolved into a Boldore 
I have a Roggenrola too! I used it to beat Lenora. 
Same here, it was a lifesaver. Smack Down is seriously the only move that has a chance of actually doing anything useful to those annoying Emolgas.
PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond.
I beat Skyward Sword a couple of days ago. The final boss was piss easy. Overall the game was enjoyable, but not without its problems.
Now I have to decide between finishing up Xenosaga: Episode I or continuing my Resident Evil 4 file. I haven't played either game in probably over a year... Or, I could just play Skyrim? I suppose? Maybe get warmed up for the new DLC coming out.
(06-13-2012, 04:18 PM)MRSKELETON Wrote: [ -> ]SSX 3 is a good game
Oh hell yes. I still play it all the time.
Makes me wish my SSX Tricky still worked v.v
(06-07-2012, 04:58 PM)Ngamer01 Wrote: [ -> ]I picked up Monster World IV last week on the Wii VC and I'm pleasantly surprised how good this game is. Some of the platforming can be ridiculous though as some enemies can knock you into pits/into lava/other land hazards and you lose 2 hearts of health as a result. I only wish throwing your sidekick could have been more flushed out than just using your buddy to hit faraway switches.
Keep an eye on that little guy... your in for some pleasant surprises. Also DO NOT look at sprites of that game, it'll spoil it. I should know, I did them.
Probably my favourite Mega Drive game, real shame nothing was done with the series after that...
As for me, just finished Catherine,
I was kind of disappointed in the direction the story took towards the end...
And hell yeah SSX 3 was damn awesome. On Tour wasn't a bad game, but it was just so far away from the greatness of SSX 3. Not picked up the new one yet but I'm hoping I'll like it when I do.
on my way to get 100% completion on just cause 2.
already at 88+%, though im rather picking the game every so often
Romancing SaGa 3, or rather ripping the monsters/bosses from it.
Just got Prototype 2. I can't begin describing on how much I like it in comparison to the original. The story could have been better if they didn't have Heller growl curse words every 5 seconds, but they improved graphics and game play at least.
Still playing Ridge Racer 3D and getting closer and closer to 100% completion...
I'm still playing Terraria and working on my multiplayer world, but I'm now doing a (what most people would probably see as ridiculous) single player runthrough of the game with as few deaths as possible.
I don't have anything written up for all the rules I've made for myself while playing, so I guess I should type them up or something.
I've been dabbling with Super Mario War (PC) for the last week or so. I've been playing with the level editor mostly, as getting other people over
to play it is a bit of a hassle. Still a fun diversion though.