Played Braid.
It was weird but okay. Could have gone with less story text

A few bits could have been explained better. Sheesh.
Started Limbo. Died a lot. It's quite fun, though. Respawn points are usually quite fair.
Borderlands 2 and Torchlight 2.
With my brother.
These 2 games? They're good. They're really fucking good.
(09-23-2012, 09:46 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Played Braid.
It was weird but okay. Could have gone with less story text 
A few bits could have been explained better. Sheesh.
The story's supposed to be some kind of metaphor for something. Not sure what, something philosophical. And yeah some puzzles can be real difficult, but the only one I found wasn't fair was 2-2: The Cloud Bridge, getting those last two pieces. The rest I find are clear if you think enough about it.
Anyway been trading quite a bit in TF2 and thus playing it a lot too. I haven't played much else recently, but I want to get further in New Game+ in Bastion. I'll also take some of the new HIB games for a spin.
Not saying they should have got rid of the story entirely, but a few of those text were just too much and should have been shortened. It wasn't the most interesting read and less would have been enough to get it across.
Within the past week I've been working through Pikmin 2 for Wii. Tried the first one out and I'm horrible at it, didn't even bother to get past Day 10. The sequel is fantastic so far, namely without that god-awful time limit and no Purple Pikmin when enemies swarm your spoils...
Otherwise, I need to download Jet Set Radio, since I never got the chance to play it and it's apparently darn good.
I started Earthbound today. The beginning is really good, I absolutely love the atmospheric music.
Kingdom Hearts 3

Dream Drop Distance
its a great game so far!
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Wii)
I've been playing it with my brother and it's REALLY fun. It's like a platformer mixed with a Beat 'em Up.
Heh, I found another Bullet-Hell Shooter on my Flash drive, playing it on it's hardest difficult right now.
(09-23-2012, 04:35 PM)Trollerskates Wrote: [ -> ]Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Wii)
I've been playing it with my brother and it's REALLY fun. It's like a platformer mixed with a Beat 'em Up.
Was playing this a few weeks back with the older bro. For a fun co-op experience it's definitely worth picking up, specially if you enjoy the series even the smallest amount (and well, it isn't too bad a series at all).
As for me, Mario Party 9 with people.
Spirit Tracks.
Jet Set Radio HD
oh my god 1920x1200 with 8xAA is flat out BEAUTIFUL
I can't wait for someone to mod the game and add in full HD textures (and maybe increase the polycount on a few of the models so they don't look as Dreamcast-era) because that would just be amazing.
with maxed AA there are zero jaggies at all but obviously at such high resolution and everything else so clear the textures stick out and are obviously much lower definition
but who cares the game is still beautiful in HD either way
and oh my god the SOUND
this game was truly meant to be played with high-quality headphones
it's just so perfect
Finished Limbo.
I'm pretty sure that "girl" at the end was just another monster that instantly killed the player character after the scene faded out and death was inevitable the whole time, all the adventuring was in vain.
torchlight two is really good
(09-24-2012, 04:03 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Jet Set Radio HD
oh my god 1920x1200 with 8xAA is flat out BEAUTIFUL
I can't wait for someone to mod the game and add in full HD textures (and maybe increase the polycount on a few of the models so they don't look as Dreamcast-era) because that would just be amazing.
with maxed AA there are zero jaggies at all but obviously at such high resolution and everything else so clear the textures stick out and are obviously much lower definition
but who cares the game is still beautiful in HD either way
and oh my god the SOUND
this game was truly meant to be played with high-quality headphones
it's just so perfect
Playing this again made me realise how much better Future is... It's good, but it would have been nice if the controls we're modernised a bit (the movement/turning just doesn't feel right) and all the same problems still exist as they did back then (plus there seems to be a LOT of screen tearing...) . It's still a great game but my rose tinted glasses have taken a dint.
I really really hope they port Future...