Getting back into HeartGold.
I might just be a little eXcYted.
Still playing Tokyo Jungle (unlocking the tiger is bloody hard...) but not as much as I was as I've been really busy (remember when I had time to rip sprites?).
Was also playing SSX but that has decided to simply not load. It'll load the menus etc but as soon as an event is started, it just sits on the loading screen for all time. Apparently clearing cookies fixes it but I've had no luck...
Hopefully wil have my Wizard edition of Ni no Kuni in a few days (I just hope what happened in the US doesn't happen here).
Anarchy Reigns multiplayer.
I honestly love it. There is something so satisfying about crushing opponents in an open online map in 16 player brawl.
Still can't believe there's no local multiplayer as it looks like the perfect game for it. Not to mention that when the servers are unplugged that's it.
Got a copy of Fallout New Vegas UE for my pc. I've played it to death on my xbox, but it was on sale :)
Also picked up a copy of Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution III for my wii, at my sister's request.
I have no idea who +90% of the characters are, but the game is really solid so far. Well, aside from the
story mode :\ The AI fluctuates wildly from near-comatose to borderline impossible. It's a shame,
because apparently most of the unlockable content can only be unlocked through the story mode.
Age of Empires: Gold Edition. Still on the Ascent of Egypt tutorial missions but this is hugely nostalgic, just the music made me go "AAWWWW YEAAAHH".
Also Crimson Skies which is equally nostalgic but a bit different from what I remember. Plus the controls are hellish to get the hang of since there's no tutorial.
The great thing is that since these are both pretty old games they don't have a chance of making the PC crash, unlike TF2 and other modern games (although we're planning to getting round to cleaning the fan, which I think is the main problem).
Oh yeah also in SPP I'm up to Giddy Sky (which by the way has horrible music), and I'm on Victory Road in Pokemon Black. Haven't finished Spirit Tracks yet

Fire Emblem Awakening. This game is flawless.
ZombiU is pretty awesome so far.
I've played for about 45 minutes and the only thing that has bothered me is the fact that you're forced to look around and aim with the right analouge stick, which I've always been terrible at. I love everything else.
I even like how killing a single zombie takes five hits from a melee weapon that you can only swing once every two seconds.
Ni No Kuni (about 20 hours in).
Sonic & All-Star Racing Transformed on 3DS
Framerate issues and bugs aside, it a fun game.
I played the demo for the PS Vita recently and had notable slow-downs at some points ><
Just tried the demo of Metal Gear rising. It looks promising.
But when it comes to full games : i'm playing Layton: Mask of Miracles.
Been fiddling with the GECK, and breaking New Vegas as a result.
I'm enjoying myself~
I modified a Minigun to shoot missiles; it shoots so many at once and with such
speed that it halted my computer and i was forced to reboot.
That bloatfly totally had it coming though.
I'm doing a few games, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, and I just hit 3rd prestige on Black Ops 2.
Devil May Cry 3.
After Angry Joe's DMC: Devil May Cry review I just had to get it *V*
And damn am I satisfied.