(06-25-2009, 01:01 AM)Rival Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ] (06-24-2009, 06:29 PM)Corpse Camo Wrote: [ -> ]So get this, I rented Sonic Unleashed for the PS3, and I'm actually enjoying it.
sonic unleashed is actually p.good
but things like collecting medals and werehog stages being just so fucking long are way too anti-climatic
so much this.
the werehog stages are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long, (they were fun though) and the concept of having medals to open up new parts of the game is annoying
Quote:and goddamn the QTEs uuuggghhhhhhh
actually I liked them
Project Powder...tryin to get to level 14 XD
About the QTEs, it's because I'm used to SNES controllers. Xbox 360 is all reversed.
A is now B
B is now A
X is now Y
Y is now X
So I keep fucking up on those.
Plus the button sequences makes no sense whatsoever. They just slap in random combinations.
you see that, new users? this is a correct usage of the word random.
actually rokkan I agree with that
I never got what "What are you playing?" meant because obviously, I'm not playing a video game, I'm on the computer and how can I be on a computer and playing a game without losing the game and I don't know how this can ever work out!
Replaying Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time.
QuakeLive and occasionally attempting to finish the last level of Norse By Norse West.
Mario Kart Wii, Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, and Snowboard Kids 1 and 2.
Super Robot Wars GC and Cubivore.
(06-15-2009, 09:07 PM)Ryan914 Wrote: [ -> ]What is the game that you are currently playing right now?
For me it's Skies of Arcadia Legends (Hence why I have not been ripping recently)
Also Portrait of Ruin; trying to master all subweapons, even with the Mastery ring and fighting in the spawning zombie area in city of Haze it still takes a while to master each subweapon.
Ooh, definitely Brawl.

It's so freaking fun.
(06-26-2009, 05:25 PM)Cooltrainer♂ Tyvon Wrote: [ -> ]NINJA GAIDEN SIGMAAAAAAAAAAA
Was playing Ninja Gaiden on the Sega Genesis the other day...
For a ninja getting killed by flying birds seems very common. specially if they throw you in the water.
Ginormo sword is wasting my time recently.
The original Crash Bandicoot on PSP
I just bought KOF XI and Neo Geo Battle Coliseum.
I'm gonna be shittin' myself tonight.