What is the game that you are currently playing right now?
For me it's Skies of Arcadia Legends (Hence why I have not been ripping recently)
Also Portrait of Ruin; trying to master all subweapons, even with the Mastery ring and fighting in the spawning zombie area in city of Haze it still takes a while to master each subweapon.
Playing Alien vs Predator Arcade.
About to finish Grim Fandango.
Vice City.
and Halo on Legendary/Halo CE.
Kirby Superstar Ultra and SSBB. I've beaten nearly everything both, but still need to go back and finish a few things. I have to say though that beating the True arena in SuperStar Ultra makes me wonder what a whole Kirby game with that difficulty would be like.
If my 360 wasn't RROD'd at the moment I'd probably be playing Banjo Tooie and Halo Wars as well.
(06-15-2009, 11:37 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: sig.gif]](http://backloggery.com/vipershark/sig.gif)
Front Mission 4 was pretty fun.
The Legendary Starfy, myself. I have to play it in small chunks, though, otherwise my brain fizzles from the god-damn
Pokemon Crystal. Ready to take on the E4.
Shadow of Colossus and Dark Sector, yeah I haven't brought a new game for a while...

ocarina of time
for about the 5-6 time
then afterward majoras mask
GTA3, wich is probably my favorite GTA after Vice City.
Ghostbusters, Fallout 3, and FF4: The After Years.
(06-17-2009, 12:17 AM)Solitaire Wrote: [ -> ]Prototype.
i thought that game was meant to be bad?
w/e i'm playing Skate 2 and Super Mario Galaxy
professor layton and final fantasy 12: revenant wings
Darkstalkers 3 on max difficulty.
Threads of Fate, Knights in the Nightmare, Legend of Dragoon, Black Sigil - Blade of the Exiled