on this I'm not sure how to fix it I think it looks good but I know I
HAVE to remove the pillow shade, but when I attempt to do that I screw it up...
here you go
yeah these are good (If thats what you thinking) took me a while to make em...well If you do show me how I'll addyou in the credit tag on the sheet

So how come you have a great credit-tag character / avatar, but when you try to shade this guy, it comes out terrible?
Wait a second.. are you THE Monty Oum? Samus Vs Master Chief? Then why.... . .
I didn't really want to say anything.. but.. identity theft? O.o
GadgetTR Wrote:So how come you have a great credit-tag character / avatar, but when you try to shade this guy, it comes out terrible?
It looks like he edited the sprite (I'm guessing without permission) from Meta's sprites.
When you shade, keep in mind the material that light is falling upon. Cloth and metal will react to the light source differently. How you show this distinction adds life to your sprites.
In your image, the apron and the fur/skin are shaded the same way. While the technique I described above is a little more advanced, keep it in mind for when you get better.
Oh, if you did steal, shame on you.
If you didn't steal, whatever...