what internet program you using A.J.?
the search says no one've ever said "fuck israel" though so I dunno what this hacker is going on about
i noticed. i know that im on mfgg but i was going to see if there was a certain rip from NSMB that noone has ripped on MFGG. back on topic, who the hell is NobodyCoder? i know it's an allias. are the mods trying to fix this?
I've tried vieiwing it in FireFox, IE and MSN Browser. All three give me the hack message...
(06-29-2009, 10:49 AM)Mecha the Slag Wrote: [ -> ]the search says no one've ever said "fuck israel" though so I dunno what this hacker is going on about
so this is what we know for sure
1.this hacker obviously hates Israel
2.this guy probobly hates TSR or, he's going round hacking websites
3. we know his allias is NobodyCoder
and that's about all we know
search for any communities that you can think of, don't try MFGG, that place is safe
does anyone else know any other websites that have been hacked by this guy?
I viewed it in Google Chrome and I still got the hack

the hack is quite powerful if that is the case
Well hopefully this will be fixed soon.
In response to NobodyCoder: No one cares, go back to screwing your mother.
I just looked up NobodyCoder on Google, and he has hacked more than just us.