It always seems like Sonic bad games could have been good if handled properly.
Sonic Heroes- Play as all sorts of Sonic characters with classic level themes and a simple story. Sounds good right?
And how about this?
Shadow the Hedgehog- Choose your own path of good or evil and use all sorts of unique weapons. Also sound pretty neat huh?
But then what happened?! Somehow they took good concepts and went terribly wrong.
which I just said, by the way
Oops sorry I see that now. I just clicked to topic and went to this page.
TBH I was pretty much the same as viper with Shadow the Hedgehog
If the game didn't have cursing and didn't have a shitty weapon system it would have been good.
(07-08-2009, 07:05 PM)Djanjo Wrote: [ -> ]Did anyone enjoy Sonic Shuffle or was that just me because it was SONIC party instead of Mario Party?
Honestly if we need an excuse to bring back Chao Gardens or Chao's in general Sonic Shuffle tantalizes the palette.
Sonic Shuffle was so awful that i literally destroyed my copy out of rage. having excesive load times over and over for every minigame at each turn or event not to mention the waaaaaaay too slow gameplay and the general nonsense are a pretty good example of how bad you can fuck up a game that in a concept board may look posible but ends being a complete piece of shit. lets face it, its a bad rip off of Mario Party, with sonic characters as their excuse.
the only good thing I remember from sonic shuffle was its opening sequence, at least the first 25 seconds before it tries to somehow say what the game is about.
Sonic Shuffle was awesome

, I absolutely loved it.
Fuck. So it was just me.
Well, even still. There's so much Mario Party NOW, and Sonic and Mario have teamed up in a game twice over so....maybe Sonic Team can get something cooking I dunno!
BILLY HATCHER, fuck no one's said shit all about that. And I remember when everyone was sucking Sonic Teams proverbial COCK when that game came out. (It was pretty fun).
Billy Hatcher made Katamri Damacy possible. Rolling Shit then Shit happens? That's teaching kids about Metaphysics.
I'm still a man for like Sonic Shuffle ROWR!
am I the only one who totally hated billy hatcher
(07-08-2009, 10:12 PM)Djanjo Wrote: [ -> ]Rolling Shit then Shit happens? That's teaching kids about Metaphysics.
thats p much what Rally X did and i am nowhere near being a genius.
Mario & Sonic seems to have essentially replaced Mario Party for the time being.
sonic shuffle would have been fun if it was minigames every turn or something. That was actually the only reason I ever played, trying to hit the minigame panels, and I had no idea that buying a stupid phoyo unlocked the minigame choice.
Y'know, Sonic may have had some inefficient games here and there, but what I've always like about the Sonic series, whether the game was pure awesome or brought me to tears, was the soundtrack. I'd have to say, even though I actually saw Sonic '06 as the "turn-around point" in the series and had my dreams incapacitated, I can't gat enough of the music. Same with generally all of the Sonic games, though the worst soundtrack being Sonic Spinball....pretty effin' annoying in my opinion, except the first level.
They need to make another Sonic R with better control.
They also need to bring back the Time Travel feature from Sonic CD.
They just need take all the n00bs @ Sonic Team and make them play through some of the Sonic games from Sonic Heroes and older (And some other good and epic Sonic games I failed to mention), to get a general idea of how people want their Sonic games

You know Michael Jackson was originally gonna do the music for Sonic 3 but he backed down. Get him back and Sega is sav-... :C
I know this is old, but I wanted to say something.
(07-02-2009, 07:22 PM)Clutch Wrote: [ -> ]I think I'd honestly be content with SA2's Sonic play-style rehashed with different levels. I felt like they nailed the speed in that game. He went fast, but also took time to accelerate (which also helps give the spindash a purpose), didn't have slippery control, and you could slow him back down in time avoid unforeseen obstacles.
As long as we're talking improvements on SA2, why not mention the fact that it needs the speech and conversation timing to be completely redone. :/
That said, just want to say that I loved SA2, it's probably my all time favorite sonic game (but then, I haven't played any that are later than sonic heroes).
I don't think there is anything bad about sonic as we see the series today. I think this little fantasy streak they're going on (Knights, Werewolves, etc.) needs to end soon, but honestly, I've got enough to work with from the six genesis sonic games I haven't beaten.
Also, no more loading times. I want to play sonic NOW.
(07-09-2009, 06:23 PM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ]You know Michael Jackson was originally gonna do the music for Sonic 3 but he backed down. Get him back and Sega is sav-... :C
Isn't he in the credits for S2's Music? I had also heard it wasn't him 'backing down' so much as the allegations started up right around then, and SEGA wanted to distance themselves from that kind of publicity.