Every time I open paint, I end up just kind of staring at a blank canvas (sometimes for hours! it's a bad way to spend a day)
I just sit and stare and never know what the eff to make
help me
Inspiration can be hard to find at some points, at others, you can imagine anything and suddenly, you have an awesome concept.
When you're at a loss of what to do, try doing something like these:
- a specific game styled sprite. You can't think of anything? Hell, try Mario in KOF3 style, Sonic in Yoshi Touch & Go style! Anything works. Find a style at tSR and try!
- a color restriction. Pick yourself 4 colors. 8 colors. Whatever you want. Work with those colors and see if you can make something respectable out of the limits. It's a fun challenge.
- try entering a site challenge. PJ and tSR both have active challenges- maybe the theme can work for you and you can come up with something!
- use some kind of generator. There's tons of things like that: random game name generator, random name generator, etc etc. Google it, let it pick a theme for you, and you are set.
If you're still at a loss for words after trying these methods, then maybe you should go do something else and come back to it later ;D
Hope I could help!
You could try just doodling anything you happen to think about in paint and making a better sprite or PA of it later. Or maybe play some games or watch a movie if you need some inspiration.
get high
that helps a lot of people
(serious post, by the way)
(07-04-2009, 12:32 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]get high
that helps a lot of people
(serious post, by the way)
You have no idea how many times I've actually felt like putting that claim to the test!

Draw irl first.
Or draw something in Paint and resize. Clean up. Voila, sprite.
don't "force" it. otherwise you'll end aborting idea after idea.
let it flow naturally.
look some sprite animations at newgrounds. maybe there you can find inspiration
you could maybe even try something like making a sprited version of yourself
Think of your interests. Think of things you have seen/heard/read recently. Try to start doodling all while thinking of these. Then try to get something more precise, narrowing choices down. Once you've got the idea, expand choices by adding details and restrictions (to make it more interesting and challenging, hence adding length to your interest span, however don't go too far otherwise quite the opposite'll happen). That's how I'd try to do it...
Read a comic, watch a cartoon or anime, etc. Then select a pose or scene in particular and try to reproduce it. You can also browse the net to grab screenshots of them.
I can say by personal experience that it does wonders and also helps you to learn to think outside the box.
what I like to do when i'm a brain-dead monkey is get some sprites from a old game. Then just give it a recolor and try to make it look modern. Then eventually or maybe you might have a feeling to make a new version of the sprites. If not just stick with the recolor.