Excelent. I Really want to see the entire battle frontier


How you can connect to DS Wireless Comunications [EDIT] IN EMULATOR, if i tried with my Japanese Platinum Version ROM, [END OF EDIT] and nothing

Very cool! Nice one!
But uh... Is it really called "Grandlakehouse"?

The grand lake house image cant be seen it say error 404
Could you please fix this
thanks !!
really liked it(like all your work)
please keep up the good job
don't mean to nitpick but "the underground man" is typo'd, it's missing an "r"
... That room is not call The Undergroundman, honestly...
I'm pretty sure it would be The Underground Man Room...
And "Underground" isn't anything, it should be "Underground Items"
...I'm starting to doubt the validity of that Underground Items rip.
While it'd be no surprise that Serebii has it also, it's... interesting that the majority of the items (with some minor switcharounds) are in
exactly the same order.
For example. With the exception of the shards, the 'Other Items' are in exactly the same order as the ones on Serebii, even though somone who ripped it from scracth would most likely put the evolutionary stones together, or would have had them in a separate group...
Good call Grooveman, we've had someone try to submit these before. God, why do people always feel the need to steel shit? I mean, seriously, it doesn't help anybody...