The topic should be renamed to (NO NEW CHARACTER SUGGESTIONS)
Right. Hold off on your suggestions guys.
(09-12-2009, 09:18 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]The proper characters will get in eventually with updates.
After the game is released, various updates will be made to fix bugs or undiscovered problems. And fix the roster too...
So just leave it alone right now.
Fuck. I even had a halfway decent Konami one, too.
lol, well seeing as the Konami character is still being decided I'm pretty sure No new suggestions doesn't reffer to them.

Bomberman is Hudson is Konami.
pretty much like
Pokemon is Game Freak is Nintendo
Oh god. Now I'm torn.

I wan't Bomberman, but I also want Simon Belmont.
But.. It likely wouldn't be the Captain N Simon, so I guess my vote goes to Bomberman.
I really think instead of adding Tails, Joe and another Konami, they should be separate 3rd parties.
If we were to avoid subsidiary, Twinbee might fit in well.
(09-16-2009, 03:07 AM)Rags Wrote: [ -> ]I really think instead of adding Tails, Joe and another Konami, they should be separate 3rd parties.
Yeah I suggested that a while ago. This way we could get more variety.
I'm all for having multiple third-party characters from the same company, I just don't care for them being from the same game series.
I mean, I love Tails and all, but I'm not sure about him being a playable character, and I'd most certainly wouldn't like to see him with a moveset like in Sonic Battle.
Ok, let's talk Tails.
Should his double jump be a fly (Kirby, etc)or his up-B (Pit)?
One of his B attacks should be the tail swipe from Sonic Adventure. For FS, I'm thinking the Tornado armor.
Also, I think it's ok if he shares the Spin Dash with Sonic.
Three jumps at most. I was thinking that if you held Up, he'd use his tails to hover in the air, but that's more suited to an UP+B.
I think Tails' should use his tails to hover like Peach
(09-17-2009, 10:53 AM)HyperSonic92 Wrote: [ -> ]I think Tails' should use his tails to hover like Peach