Ok, I figure we can go ahead and decide who we can include in the game, if it ever comes to fruition. I split it into a few sections.
Any character on this chart is pretty much in the cast. The blank spots are characters we haven't decided on yet.
FE char- Leaning toward Micaiah, as she's a female character and uses magic. I can be swayed, however.
Konami char- I'm leaning toward a Castlevania character. Possibly Simon Belmont. Again, I can be swayed.
9/6/09- Little Mac and Starfy have been chosen. Voting for the Fire Emblem character has started.
Yay! Olimar made it on the definite list! Well, isn't Little Mac already an Assist Trophy? Oh, and *cough* LOLO *cough*
Please add Bomberman as a possible addition.
Why no Cless Alvin/Issac?
Oh, and Um, Mega Man, I guess.
EDIT: If we're allowed to have more than one vote I vote Roy and Claus
Possible additions: Ridley because c'mon, it's Ridley, Saki Amamiya, according to Sakurai, Saki got a lot of requests, also KOS-MOS, not just because I happen to like her, but I think she would be a better Namco representative than someone like Cless.
Also, voting for Mewtwo. Can we vote for more than just one thing?
I vote for Mewtwo and Sonic.
I vote Megaman, Sonic, and Tails. (Sorry about that...huge Sonic fan

) As a matter of fact, I take off Tails for Pichu.
And I'd REALLY like to see another Earthbound character in, preferably Claus, Paula, Poo, Kumatora, or Ninten.
Leon would be cool, too, Since Fox's right hand man, Falco, is in. Why not Wolf's

. Trying not to overload here, sorry
Oh yea, and Pokemon Trainer.
Sonic, Roy, and Megaman that's who I would vote for

I vote for Doctor Mario, Pichu, Pokemon Trainer/Charizard/Ivysaur/Squirtle, Mewtwo, Lucario, Toon/Young Link, Wolf, Roy.
Voting Mewtwo and asking why Pokemon Trainer would be in the 'vote on' section? O_o
I'm just not sure of the logistics of the coding on the Trainer. I also don't want to overload it with Pokemon characters.
(07-04-2009, 01:22 PM)Sploder Wrote: [ -> ]Please add Bomberman as a possible addition.
For third parties, I'd say Temjin from Virtua ON (SEGA), Pacman from well, Pacman (NAMCO) and Simon Belmont from Castlevania (Konami).
It wouldn't hurt to include sega/konami licensed characters now would it?
I'm voting Mewtwo for a possible fixed moveset too.