Metal Harbor from SA2:B. I'd just turn on the game to play that level over and over.
The boss fight with Speed Buster in No More Heroes was awesome
Getting from point A to point B with that giant particle beam being blasted at you
Rico Harbor (Mario Sunshine), never gets old
Edit: Half the levels in MGS3
The zombie level from Metal Slug 3
(07-11-2009, 09:26 AM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]Mine would be the Glitz Pit from Paper Mario 2.
Haha, wow. Yeah this is an awesome level also, totally forgot about it.
Groznyj Grad in MGS3 after the torture scene and you have no weapons SUCKS ASS. >:I
...and yet it's soooo gooood
I love the Spirit Temple in OoT
Yoshi's Island in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. Though I love all those levels. The babies are so damn adorable.
Green Hill Zone
Traverse Town in KH
The World That Never Was in KH2. Mainly the Castle. It just looked awesome.
Besaid Island in FFX. Nice and calm
gonna give a shoutout to arsenal gear's rectum too
Elevator Level in Madworld

The castle of RE4. The whole goddamn thing.
Especially the Verdugo fight.
(07-11-2009, 08:20 PM)Rai Wrote: [ -> ]The castle of RE4. The whole goddamn thing.
Especially the Verdugo fight.
AAAhh! You reminded me I forgot to buy RE4 and finish it! Aaahh!
Doesn't feel so much like RE anymore, but damn it all, between how awesome it is to play and how sheer sexy Leon is, I don't care.
I agree with you, even if I only got to play it for about 10 hours in total.
(07-11-2009, 08:20 PM)Rai Wrote: [ -> ]The castle of RE4. The whole goddamn thing.
Especially the Verdugo fight.
ugh, the castle in RE4 was easily the WORST level
shit was TOO long
(07-12-2009, 04:21 AM)-The Raytheon Experience- Wrote: [ -> ]WELCOME TO RAPTURE
Would you kindly?
i didn't even like the game and that level owned hard.
On another note. Elizabeth Greene bossfight in prototype yes plz.