The stairs to Bowser's last fight in Mario 64.
Come on, how many of you people thought you could beat the system and kept running, dashing, jumping up and up until you quit, turned back around, and walked down like 5 steps to the floor.
Ikana Desert from MM
And the levels from Spyro: Gateway to Glimmer
(07-12-2009, 08:26 AM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ]The stairs to Bowser's last fight in Mario 64.
Come on, how many of you people thought you could beat the system and kept running, dashing, jumping up and up until you quit, turned back around, and walked down like 5 steps to the floor.
This makes me ashamed to admit I never had a N64.
Tough one to decide on
Probably one of them would be the strip club level in Conkers bad fur day, with how you get to piss on a bunch of rock guys and whores.
(07-12-2009, 08:37 AM)Blackward Wrote: [ -> ]Tough one to decide on
Probably one of them would be the strip club level in Conkers bad fur day, with how you get to piss on a bunch of rock guys and whores.
Ahahaha, I remember that shit from when one of my school mates would come round with his n64.
Conker's Bad Fur Day was such an awesome multiplayer game, as well as to play singleplayer.
We had to get my older brother's mate to kill the last boss for us, we couldn't do it after 2 hours...
Good times, so long ago...
Stop making me Nostalgia you people

Nostalgia games would always have good levels =|
(07-12-2009, 08:28 AM)Woppet Wrote: [ -> ]Spyro: Gateway to Glimmer
Spyro 2 had some pretty good levels.
I always enjoyed the levels in the second world then all the other two worlds.
Sunset Valley.
I always liked that one creepy forrest level from Donkey Kong 64.
(07-12-2009, 08:26 AM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ]The stairs to Bowser's last fight in Mario 64.
Come on, how many of you people thought you could beat the system and kept running, dashing, jumping up and up until you quit, turned back around, and walked down like 5 steps to the floor.
HEY, it was a good idea at the time >:U
Any level from Silicon Valley.
(07-12-2009, 08:05 AM)-The Raytheon Experience- Wrote: [ -> ]On another note. Elizabeth Greene bossfight in prototype yes plz.
yeah i probably would've enjoyed this a lot more if i had been able to do it in one sitting instead of being pulled away to play left 4 dead
jerk ):
and then i had to go because you took too long
cocktower from castlevania order of ecclesia