Didn't they already decide on his Sonic Riders costume?
Honestly, I think that would look the coolest (and probably the easiest.)
(12-16-2009, 02:46 PM)Shyguy Grey Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't they already decide on his Sonic Riders costume?
Honestly, I think that would look the coolest (and probably the easiest.)
I thought Sonic's alt costume would be Tails?
... Okay, what I REALLY meant to say is "Do you have a picture reference?"
I almost raged.

For all characters such as Sonic, the whole costume idea is said to be not only a recolor of the character but, mainly to give the character more of a unique form of costume.
As an example:
Ness - Red Ness

Ness - Pajamas
Kinda like that I guess.
Oh, oh!
Mega Man's costume should be based on the MM10 artwork. Realistic face is optional.
That would be hilarious realistic Megaman but MM10 Protoman looks badass.
Wouldn't the Rush Suit be less rediculous?
Less ridiculous? The MM10 artwork is already pretty ridiculous, so I don't see why it wouldn't also be the case for the Rush Suit.
I think that we can all agree that the Rush Suit in the realistic cover art style would be something akin to Voltron. Look! It's Megazord Man!
Also, his alternate costume should totally be his Metool Helmet from Megaman 7.

No I mean realistic Mega Man is ridiculous. A normal Rush Suit wouldn't be.
Of course its ridiculous, Its supposed to be ridiculous.
But if you make it a little bit less realistic:
It looks alright.
My vote goes to this idea.
Or Metool hat from megaman 7.
rush suit should be his final smash. his alt should randomly select one of his coverart costumes. I know this would be hard as hell but it would be glorious
His alternate costume should be the Megaman Cartoon Opening. Not the design from the show, but the whole opening,
complete with the song.
Enough screwing around though, his alternate costume, if anything, should be his helmetless state as seen in various media, or his completely armorless state. You can still give him his abilities and buster, but he'd be a kid and wear a t-shirt and shorts, etc. I think that'd be a pretty cool alternate, but a very strong change, thus harder to sprite. Helmetless might be easier.
Come on, if you need an alt costume for megaman, I think the choice is obvious.
Nah seriously though, I like Guycott's helmet less idea.