I'd go with it being a color choice. The hoodie makes a better alternate costume, I think.
All the pokemons will have their shiny colors, I assume.
Oh, and will there be Paper Mario ?
This is the last thing on their list. This is the feature that has the highest probability of getting dropped.
(03-27-2010, 11:31 AM)Lexou Wrote: [ -> ]All the pokemons will have their shiny colors, I assume.
well, uh, we've already agreed that no-ones alt will be a recolour
And y'know the fact that they
already have their shiny colours for an alt colour set.

I like the idea, but he is somewhat a different character.
Yeah and Doc gets priority.
You could do his referee suit or his Dr. Mario suit.
(03-31-2010, 09:18 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Doc gets priority.
How about this for the pokemans:
Their Ranch/Rumble appearances.
They look similar, but different. Add some sharp edges, make joints look funny, there ya go.
But wouldn't that change their hitbox?
Well, you dont nessesarily have to change the hitbox
Armored Bowser. From Yoshi's Safari.