Hi - I would like to at least give a shot at submitting something to the site again, and I'd like to submit some graphics that I have been working on lately - they aren't anything spectacular, but I am pretty satisfied with how they came out:
(I'm kind of concerned about the size of both spritesheets... please let me know whether their size is acceptable-worthy or not.)
...aaaand that's it. Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave some feedback if you want to.
Heh, thanks a bunch.
I'm currently working on some more sprites (most of them being enemies), so expect some updates soon.
Why thank you.
Anyways, here goes another spritesheet - does anyone remember these little dudes by any chance?:
![[Image: Cannonpigs_icon.png?t=1249164678]](http://i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp180/TheBroozer/Other/Cannonpigs_icon.png?t=1249164678)
Of course I remember these guys. SML2 was my first Gameboy game.
I loved those enemies. Great job.
Cool, these guys are like the octorok's of Mario.
That's pretty awesome. The goombas look cartoony to me, I think that gives it a neat effect

Phew. Finally got done with another spritesheet - this time, I went for making a MLSS enemy:
...yeah. Sworm. Last time I checked, there was nearly zero spritesheets that featured these guys in them, so I decided to go ahead and actually make a sheet full of 'em.

Opinions in regards to this update are more than welcome.
Also, thanks for the feedback so far, guys.
Nice. Any ideas on what you plan on making next?
You should look into posting in sprite discussion before hand. They could use a bit of touching up.
(08-07-2009, 07:12 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]Nice. Any ideas on what you plan on making next?
Actually, I'm almost out of ideas... I was thinking of making some YI enemies next, though, such as Tap-Taps and stuff, as I haven't seen so many Tap-Taps spritesheets throughout TSR. If you have any suggestions of what enemies/characters/whatever you would like to see next, though, feel free to let me know.
CeeY: Yeah, I guess I will actually start a topic at that forum. Not now, though... kinda sleepy at the moment.

Ya try whoever you want. And if it helps, try something you haven't seen made custom yet.