Just to be sure everyone is aware, these are NOT scratched, they are pixel overs made from scenes taken from the anime or Pokémon movies (Jirachi is from the Wishmaker movie, but the others are from the anime)
Not trying to bump here, but is this board always this dead? I was hoping for a couple more replies...
Well, thanks KingTapir for being the only person to comment so far.
The board exists only to have custom sheets accepted/rejected. If you want crit, I'll move this to Sprite Discussion for you.
(07-31-2009, 06:08 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]The board exists only to have custom sheets accepted/rejected. If you want crit, I'll move this to Sprite Discussion for you.
Sorry, no... I was just hoping for comments that would tell me if it was accepted or not. I already got plenty of CnC on my other site. It's been a while since I last submitted something and back then lots of people commented before Dazz eventually said it was accepted.
These still need a lot of work. I still think you should listen to Grooveman before submitting them. They lack depth. The main thing is, they could still be much better.
Dazz is on Holiday, so you'll have to wait for Tonberry/RTB.
Until then, Sprite Discussion for you.
(07-31-2009, 06:42 PM)CeeY Wrote: [ -> ]These still need a lot of work. I still think you should listen to Grooveman before submitting them. They lack depth. The main thing is, they could still be much better.
How do you mean they lack depth? They used the exact same shading as the original art from the anime. Note that most anime designs rarely use more than 4 shades, usually just two or three depending on lighting, so there's not gonna be a lot of depth, and I've never liked having a ton of contrast either.
I didn't want these put in a discussion topic, these are my submissions. Unless Dazz or Tonberry, or whoever is in charge of determining if these are acceptable or not, says they still need work, I'm keeping them up as submissions.
I don't mind suggestions for improvement, but if you're just gonna come in here and tell me there's something wrong without telling me what I can do to improve it, don't bother saying anything. You're not helping.
Not to sound arrogant here, but these are a lot better quality and more official looking than many of the other pixel arts currently listed under the Pokémon Customs section.
Now, if you think there's any ways I can improve these beyond adding more shades or contrast, such as pointing out odd pixels or something, feel free to say something. As I said, I'm not against accepting suggestions.
They're not bad, but IMO they're too simple. Maybe add some AAing or another shade. And Umbreon needs a little more contrast between shades.
animation =/= pixel-art!
in an animation, the animators doesn't take too much time worrying about shading and depth, because they have 300000000 other frames to produce. YOU, on the other hand, are only doing a single part of ONE of those frames, and not only that, you're tracing over it.
You could have done a lot of things, like anti-alias, adding more colors, shading, etc. tSR has now a policy of only accepting pixel-arts when they're at their perfection, when there's nothing to be improved upon. So I suppose you should take some of those critics by wonderful Cshad before being an ass.
(07-31-2009, 08:20 PM)Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ]animation =/= pixel-art!
in an animation, the animators doesn't take too much time worrying about shading and depth, because they have 300000000 other frames to produce. YOU, on the other hand, are only doing a single part of ONE of those frames, and not only that, you're tracing over it.
You could have done a lot of things, like anti-alias, adding more colors, shading, etc. tSR has now a policy of only accepting pixel-arts when they're at their perfection, when there's nothing to be improved upon. So I suppose you should take some of those critics by wonderful Cshad before being an ass.
Cshad? You mean CeeY? I don't see Cshad :[
Also, try and smoothen the lines, they're a bit jagged, and needs more shading before Ton or anyone else finds this acceptable.
oops, sorry, read too fast.
Wonderful CeeY then

Umbreon needs a nose and a mouth.
I'm surprized you all keep bringing up the shading... I think it looks as close to perfect as it's gonna get... Also, as a pixel art, it's not really supposed to be overly smooth, is it? Every artist has their own style of work, and this is how I like mine to look. If you guys don't want to accept it, but you'll accept other art that's not drawn with as much quality, then fine. I was told by the members of my site that these were some of the best pixel arts they've ever seen and that they'd be easily accepted at tSR.
As a reply to Rokkan's comment, CeeY didn't give any useful comments, just said it lacked depth. This kind of comment doesn't help me improve my work. The goal when I made these was to avoid using AA effects to try to smooth out the art.