(08-17-2009, 02:32 PM)Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ] (08-17-2009, 12:37 PM)lava Wrote: [ -> ]damn dude thats the best figure ive ever seen
you shouldnt believe everything
i own a game called final fantasy 7 for the play station1. its awsome
(08-17-2009, 08:23 PM)afterlife_117 Wrote: [ -> ]i own a game called final fantasy 7 for the play station1. its awsome
Nice troll post.
Eh, I have a semi-rare game. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. And no, not the Wii Ware one, I'm talking the actual game cartridge. I also once used to have the cartridge copy of Kirby Super Star, but that vanished to God knows where. Yet, somehow, I still have the box and instruction booklet for it.
*Virtual Console
I have the SMRPG cart too.
Oh, just remembered one other rare stuff (maybe for us). I got the French special budget of Rayman Raving Rabbids 2. The game still shows up in English in my wii, of course, but it came with a rabbid notepad, a ruler, eraser, pen and a white furry pencil case, with rabbid eyes

I have Pokémon Box for the gamecube, along with the Jirachi bonus disc if that counts.
Oh, we're counting un-rare things, too?
Okay, I still have my Pokemon Gold (who doesn't), and Zelda Oracle of Seasons.
That shouldn't count.
(08-08-2009, 10:55 AM)Sky_Blue_Wiggler Wrote: [ -> ]Bomberman figures.
I want them.
(08-17-2009, 06:05 PM)Tuna Unleashed Wrote: [ -> ]I have a.... um... dreamcast? that seems to be rare because i can never find any games or controllers or anything for it fsgdfhjkl
i'll fucking kill you for your dreamcast how did I not see this post earlier
i am afraid
but yeah my uncle had it and he gave it for christmas like 5 years ago. that was back when my mom wouldn't let me get video games so i was pretty stoked. also if you ever get one floigan brothers is an underrated gem that should come back sometime.
still have a perfectly good Dreamcast :>
and Sega Saturn
and Sega Master System with the 3D glasses that you have to plug into the system
no really I have been searching for a memory card for the Saturn for a few years now and I still haven't found shit
this makes Croc very very hard to play :<
I picked up a Dreamcast in a flea market for $20 about 2 years ago... It still works, surprisingly.
The original tetris, Kirby's dreamland, and megaman 1 all for gameboy. super Mario all star, original F-Zero, and Link to the past for super nintendo. I don't know if any of these games are rare, but classics are fun to have around.