Despite my Dolphin remake made about a month ago, I haven't made anything worth while for a long time. This is the first time in about 9 months I've made any PA, so I've recently gotten back into pixeling. Here is some stuff Im working on.
Personal character ref,
![[Image: weston188772.png]](
Not much for now, just trying to get back into the groove. Crits?
The texture on that yoshi looks strange yet awesome. i can't wait to see how you do the rest of the nose o-o
and the guy with the sunglasses looks...groovy :>
The only thing that looks strange is the hat; it seems as if its not really sitting on the back of his head, the rim is a bit skinny, and the center center lol. but maybe it just looks that way since one of the line in the middle is completely straight which kinda throws it off for me.
But damn you've gotten so much better, and it's especially noticeable to me since i haven't been here in a while. :0
(08-03-2009, 08:17 PM)-Dark- Wrote: [ -> ]The texture on that yoshi looks strange yet awesome. i can't wait to see how you do the rest of the nose o-o
and the guy with the sunglasses looks...groovy :>
The only thing that looks strange is the hat; it seems as if its not really sitting on the back of his head, the rim is a bit skinny, and the center center lol. but maybe it just looks that way since one of the line in the middle is completely straight which kinda throws it off for me.
But damn you've gotten so much better, and it's especially noticeable to me since i haven't been here in a while. :0
Thanks :>. I gave the line a bit of a curve on the hat. And Dex suggested randomizing the texture between the shades,
![[Image: characterav.png]](
Randomizing the texture is a good idea, but I think the colors for it are too contrasted, to the point that all those little highlighted circles take away the basic shapes of the yoshi's head.
Just take a look at the shading below the eye. You should make this bumpyness less aparent and make it look more like scalyness. I would suggest slight line breaks, or less contrasted colors.
Though, I think this should wait till you shade the rest of the nose. The segment you have now is too small for crits.
Also, the hat might need another shade on the top, to show a lightsource.
Everything else seems good.
Update, lol
![[Image: characterav69792.png]](
I'm not diggin' the texture. Coupled vwith the blood red colourscheme, he doesn't look... healthy.
(08-09-2009, 05:22 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not diggin' the texture. Coupled vwith the blood red colourscheme, he doesn't look... healthy.
Played with the pallet,
Edit, smoothed out the nose. But I'm still stuck on how to shade the hat.
![[Image: characterav88987.png]](
The texture on his nose makes it look like he has some kind of skin disease.

The nose texture looks different from the textures above his cheek. I think the outline near where the light directly hitting his nose shouldn't be so dark, or should at least have a thinner dark line. In the other skin area above his cheek, the darkest shades are more solid and the spots seem more organized. Like...maybe have the spots closer together or something. The randomness right now makes it look like a skin disease as mentioned above.
tell me if im not making any sense. '~'
(08-09-2009, 02:37 PM)-Dark- Wrote: [ -> ]The nose texture looks different from the textures above his cheek. I think the outline near where the light directly hitting his nose shouldn't be so dark, or should at least have a thinner dark line. In the other skin area above his cheek, the darkest shades are more solid and the spots seem more organized. Like...maybe have the spots closer together or something. The randomness right now makes it look like a skin disease as mentioned above.
tell me if im not making any sense. '~'
I'm not necessarily going for smoothness. I tried to listen to some of your advice, and make shapes similar. But I need more help with the hat,
![[Image: characterav.png]](
yeah my main point was that the nose was different from the other red areas.
The hat is mostly good, but maybe the back could curve inward a little more...idk tho
Souly from pixelation gave me some great advice about perspective. I redid the hat, and in the progress of shading.
![[Image: characterav84365.png]](
The chin and throat area is to white.
I like how it's going.