stabbed the fuck out of him and now i think hes dead
wait holy shit now the big ass dude just fell down does that mean ichigos still alive?? i dont know
oh shit i forgot about the little pink girl
oh cool ichigos still alive and so is the big ass dude (kenny???))
i switched to adult swim literally after reading this but it was just gay western metalocalypse. fuck you.
i bought season 2 and 3 on dvd because im an impulsive buyer
oh, now i'm all embarassed. i'm such a baka gaijin uguu~

Ulquiorra vs Grimmjow was awesome. He killed him.
bleach is literally the worst anime i've ever watched
i only liked the kempachi guy and noitra
Nniotra or something. I agree, Kenpachi is a badass.
The worst anime? It's pretty dull, but off the top of my head, Inuyasha is worse.
kenpachi is the only character from bleach i liked a lot
i only liked the spanish dude who want even in the show but could make swords come out of his hands and stuff
i like the chick with the big boobs -www-
if ichigo didnt have orange hair he wouldve been 10x more badass
(08-03-2009, 11:32 PM)Solitaire Wrote: [ -> ]stabbed the fuck out of him and now i think hes dead
wait holy shit now the big ass dude just fell down does that mean ichigos still alive?? i dont know
oh shit i forgot about the little pink girl
oh cool ichigos still alive and so is the big ass dude (kenny???))
ichigo is already dead coz hes a soul reaper dur
its fuckin bleach ichigo won't die otherwise everyone will stop reading it
(08-04-2009, 01:26 PM)Tyvon Wrote: [ -> ]i like the chick with the big boobs -www-
which is like everyone
shonen anime -www-
i like that hot amputee chick (with big boobs)
bleach by tite 'titty' kubo