Seriously how could any of you thinthis was a good idea?
(I'm talking to you Kosheh and Grooveman ..... + everyone else who thought it was a good idea)
This is dumb and not accomplishing anything.
Also Tyvon re-make the intoxicated thread so I can post there right now.

Also when he makes that thread it needs to be pinned.
whoa whoa whoa there buddy!!! there are children on this board!!!!!! no need for such language. if i see you doing this again , im going to have to downrep you ... i dont want to take such drastic actions, but i simply cant allow my boyfriend dazz's forum to be filled with such abrasive language.
thank you.
I'm sorry Solitaire... :< I'll try not to wt* again..
I don't even know what's going on here. Anyways, since I'm actually still on a break from Spamhaul, I guess I'll leave now.
But yeah, WTF???
(08-05-2009, 04:34 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]I don't even know what's going on here. Anyways, since I'm actually still on a break from Spamhaul, I guess I'll leave now.
But yeah, WTF???
what did we just warn arthur for??? thats it you made me. as a spamhaul mod im going ot have to down rep you
i agree though this didnt accomplish anything and i said so in the topic about it too.
this is the only way to make TSR and spamhaus better:
*make kosh full mod
*make bryan, kori/paul, and i spamhaus mods (i cant decide between kori and paul)
*make spamhaus a LOCKED (unpostable and unviewable) forum wiht a password
*the 3 spam mods will give out passwords to members they deem worthy
*there will be a master list of password holders. if anyone is seen viewing or posting in spamhaus that is not on the list shall be temp banned unless they tell who gave them the password. then the giver is banned and the password is reset.
How does this make TSR AND Spamhaus better? it skims through members that should be posting here nd gives it a sort of elite status, giving the poster some sort of sense of accomplishment when they get access. also, keeping a look out on the viewing members is a full time job, giving the much deserving mods an actual purpose
it makes TSR better becuase topics posted in spamhaus what could aslo be viable discussions for other forums will be cycled into those appropriate forums and therefore raise activity on the other, main boards.
to give spamhaus that polished look i suggest it have it sown skin, and maybe even an embedded midi or mp3 file. other things that would probably be asking too much are:
*custom emotes
*custom word filters
*custom topic tags and banners
this is the only way. honestly deleting all of the topics was a retarded move. not saying kosh or groove are retarded i love both those guys just saying it didnt help at all. maybe if it was the first step to the NEW spamhaus i have invisioned. :ROLLEYE:
*make bryan, kori, paul, and i spamhaus mods
(08-05-2009, 04:20 AM)Solitaire Wrote: [ -> ]whoa whoa whoa there buddy!!! there are children on this board!!!!!! no need for such language. if i see you doing this again , im going to have to downrep you ... i dont want to take such drastic actions, but i simply cant allow my boyfriend dazz's forum to be filled with such abrasive language.
thank you.
I love you because I love Andy Kaufman. Victory is yours.
excuse me
but what the frog is this thread
(08-05-2009, 04:56 AM)cranky_cunt2acca03e Wrote: [ -> ] (08-05-2009, 04:34 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]I don't even know what's going on here. Anyways, since I'm actually still on a break from Spamhaul, I guess I'll leave now.
But yeah, WTF???
what did we just warn arthur for??? thats it you made me. as a spamhaul mod im going ot have to down rep you
i agree though this didnt accomplish anything and i said so in the topic about it too.
this is the only way to make TSR and spamhaus better:
*make kosh full mod
*make bryan, kori/paul, and i spamhaus mods (i cant decide between kori and paul)
*make spamhaus a LOCKED (unpostable and unviewable) forum wiht a password
*the 3 spam mods will give out passwords to members they deem worthy
*there will be a master list of password holders. if anyone is seen viewing or posting in spamhaus that is not on the list shall be temp banned unless they tell who gave them the password. then the giver is banned and the password is reset.
How does this make TSR AND Spamhaus better? it skims through members that should be posting here nd gives it a sort of elite status, giving the poster some sort of sense of accomplishment when they get access. also, keeping a look out on the viewing members is a full time job, giving the much deserving mods an actual purpose
it makes TSR better becuase topics posted in spamhaus what could aslo be viable discussions for other forums will be cycled into those appropriate forums and therefore raise activity on the other, main boards.
to give spamhaus that polished look i suggest it have it sown skin, and maybe even an embedded midi or mp3 file. other things that would probably be asking too much are:
*custom emotes
*custom word filters
*custom topic tags and banners
this is the only way. honestly deleting all of the topics was a retarded move. not saying kosh or groove are retarded i love both those guys just saying it didnt help at all. maybe if it was the first step to the NEW spamhaus i have invisioned. :ROLLEYE:
yeah because we can all be proud of posting hilarious images and talking about being drunk rite
LOL maybe thast what you talk about. trust me you needent worry yourself you wouldn tget a pass.
wouldn't it have to actually be funny for someone to want a password in the first place anyway???
it would be funny becuase members lik eyou wouldnt really be in there : - )