that doesnt make sense. yes they will be adapting to a new forum. spamhaus 2 takes no motivation at all to use if you havea password but in your idea i would create a new orum and force everyon to post there when its such an inconvieniece and they can use this place.
by the same token you can tell grooveman to do this with all of his gay friends too. its not a valid idea get over it
But you're forcing everyone to post in spamhaul 2 they will have to adapt to spamhaul 2 id nto get it????????????
The lesson here is that you can't trust these moderator babies to do a man's job. Vote Bryan for Spamhaul Mod this election day. Thank you.
no because it tsht e same forum thy are already logged in. and like i said you can make all these arguments against grooveman as well. ive alread proven you wrong you just now trying to turn my points against me with flase reasoning. this is hardly an argumetn anymore
No, Jake they secretly all love TSRC. Don't we all. :>
(08-06-2009, 07:44 PM)cranky_cunt2acca03e Wrote: [ -> ]that doesnt make sense. yes they will be adapting to a new forum. spamhaus 2 takes no motivation at all to use if you havea password but in your idea i would create a new orum and force everyon to post there when its such an inconvieniece and they can use this place.
by the same token you can tell grooveman to do this with all of his gay friends too. its not a valid idea get over it
The difference being that I already like the majority of the community here, and therefore feel no real need to excise any but the most disruptive.
It's also
not my place to specifically decide who can post here and who can't. it's a community wide descision with Admins getting a final say. Your little utopia fantasy lacks that factor.
Or is this all just you being butturt that Operation Elitism wasn't the special club you hoped it would be?
(08-06-2009, 07:50 PM)cranky_cunt2acca03e Wrote: [ -> ]no because it tsht e same forum thy are already logged in. and like i said you can make all these arguments against grooveman as well. ive alread proven you wrong you just now trying to turn my points against me with flase reasoning. this is hardly an argumetn anymore
That's funny, last time I checked an argument involved people who actually knew what they were talking about and didn't make assumptions based on several seconds of experience.
(08-06-2009, 07:52 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ] (08-06-2009, 07:44 PM)cranky_cunt2acca03e Wrote: [ -> ]that doesnt make sense. yes they will be adapting to a new forum. spamhaus 2 takes no motivation at all to use if you havea password but in your idea i would create a new orum and force everyon to post there when its such an inconvieniece and they can use this place.
by the same token you can tell grooveman to do this with all of his gay friends too. its not a valid idea get over it
The difference being that I already like the majority of the community here, and therefore feel no real need to excise any but the most disruptive.
It's also not my place to specifically decide who can post here and who can't. it's a community wide descision with Admins getting a final say. Your little utopia fantasy lacks that factor.
Or is this all just you being butturt that Operation Elitism wasn't the special club you hoped it would be?
i liek everyone too here who the FUCK are you to tell me who i do and do not like? i dont htik eveyone is funny on the other hand
also jake what the FUCK are you talkign about too? your both just flingin empty arguments at me that are better tailored as insults. i only have seconds of experience with forums creation and recruitment?
It's really not your place to decide who's funny here and who isn't (subjective, much?). Much less give specific people access to other things because of it.
It's not anyone's right. Therefore it stands to reason that aside from anomalous, excessively disrupive, and rule-breaking individuals; everyone has access to all relevant boards; especially if you're going to base it on something so arbitrary.
iirc a spam forum is supposed to be a place to have fun
not argue about dumb stuff like this
so all of you shut up already
Congratulations Chadical Chadsworth, if you've disproved anything that you claim to have disproved, it is that you are not the person I thought you were.
You know, I once perceived you as a stylish, decent person who wasn't socially awkward like every single person on tSR and you actually posessed some knowledge of not being a complete fucking goon. But I guess that was a facade!
No, all I can see of you now is that you are a complete attention starved nerd whose only purpose is to whine over people not entertaining him on an
internet forum despite supposedly having thousands of friends who are generally much more fun than a bunch of "nerds"
If you truly care this much about an internet argument, and one full of supposedly "empty" insults THIS much, then.. well, my only advice is that you need to find something better to do with your time. This is seriously unhealthful~
Get a job, get friends, go to college, get laid. Do something better with your time than directing the word FUCK at people whom have no impact on your life that you will never meet at any point in time ever

(08-06-2009, 08:04 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]anomalous, excessively disrupive, and rule-breaking individuals; everyone has access to all relevant boards; especially if you're going to base it on something so arbitrary.
nigga are YOU fuckin SERIOUS?