it used to be fun back in the day but you're beating a dead horse and now it's horribly boring, predictable and unfunny.
(not trollin)
im making fun of vipershark
am i cool with da gang?
why dont we just stop being mean to each other in general
cant because one retard will always have something to be serious about in a SPAM forum
thus arguments burst
edit: by serious i mean people who dont understand how "spamming" works.
(08-11-2009, 11:35 AM)Orgasmatron Wrote: [ -> ]why dont we just stop being mean to each other in general
no can do, because only you would profit from it OOOOOOOHHHH iceburn.swf
vipershark is a pretty cool guy he doesn't afraid of anything c:
my stay at this forum has been filled with me setting myself up for that stuff

vipershark is a shit poster and deserves to die
jk you're pretty cool when you're not trying to be iratating.
(08-11-2009, 12:05 PM)Rags Wrote: [ -> ]jk you're pretty cool when you're not trying to be iratating.
which is always
(08-11-2009, 11:35 AM)Orgasmatron Wrote: [ -> ]why dont we just stop being mean to each other in general
i like this post
the only time i be mean to vipershark is when he makes too many threads
im only mean to him when he is being really really dumb
and it doesn't matter that it's vp, i'd do the same to most people
personally, I'm cool with everyone in this thread (except orgasmatron, he's currently at "meh" level)
but uh,
(08-11-2009, 06:03 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]personally, I'm cool with everyone in this thread (except orgasmatron, he's currently at "meh" level)
but uh,
Am I cool wit u?
(08-11-2009, 06:41 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]this makes two
Two people at a "meh" level?
Meh, we barely dont even talk to eachother, so yeah "meh"