Cute, cute, cute, and cute.
Seriously, you think I'm immature? You guys really need to grow up.
lololololo he's a FURRY furry furry FURRY yiff in hell BAAAAAAAAAW am i top tier yet oh god someone hug me
Okay, guys, seriously?
There may have been a time when stuff like this would annoy, even drive me into blind rage. But now that I am 18, I just don't care anymore. Infact, now, stuff like this only ammuses me. But apparently, you guys refuse to believe that even the biggest dinks can mature.
Uhh. You misunderstood Epistaxis's post. Apparently, you are 18 and STILL a dumbass. Heh.
Kilgore you realise you're one of the people I'm targeting with my post, right? HEH.
(08-14-2009, 08:10 AM)Kilgore Trout Wrote: [ -> ]Uhh. You misunderstood Epistaxis's post. Apparently, you are 18 and STILL a dumbass. Heh.
Perhaps, but at least I am not the pretentious distinguished gentleman I used to be.
you're all so fucking dense
Anyway, see you guys on Sunday.
Except me, I'm not dense.

hey guys
Bryan Wrote:honestly cut it out with the furfaguchi shit you guys are killing it now ~Jun 30 2008, 07:14 PM
still applies
it's not so much beating a dead horse
as waiting until it's been ground up and put in dogfood
and then waiting for a dog that's eaten it to die
and then beating that
haha yeah. i guess this is one of those unfunny stinker topics eh? locked.