I just feel like getting Lost Winds, FFCC: My Life As King, that poker one, and the Strong Bad saga, though I think that the SBS might be a little short, and if you only play as SB, I'm gonna be a little upset, I really hope you will be able to play as Homsar, the best character ever, and bend reality to however you want
AND THERE'RE ADD-ONS TO WIIWARE GAMES?! I nevver heard of them, honestly
FFCC is the only one with DLC right now. Square is just greedy, and I hope no other wiiware titles follow them.
Actually, I think you're a bit complaining. 1500 is a decent price for what you get with the game. You get a normal game, with a New Game+, in which you will get more dungeons and houses. The add-on content is necessary, because the original game already reaches the size limit of WiiWare games. Added to each other, the add-ons take a total of five blocks, and that's not where it stops.
Coming later, there will be even more dungeons, an upgrade to the castle, and a library building. I hope there will be alternate costumes for Hugh Yurg and Pavlov also in the new costume pack. I'm really exciting for new FFCC content.
In total, the current game plus all add-ons currently available is no more than $31.00, less than most DS games.
I don't think It's too expensive, and I think it's good that square are supporting Wiiware. The only thing I'm not sure about is why with such a large file size, didn't square just pop in a bit more and have it as a cheap retail game.
Badassbill Wrote:Dunno about you guys, but that Eternity's Child looks awesome 
I'm hoping that Imagination is the Only Escape comes to WiiWare too. I'm
extremely interested in that game

I might just buy Eternity's Child as well.
Badassbill Wrote:The only thing I'm not sure about is why with such a large file size, didn't square just pop in a bit more and have it as a cheap retail game.
A bit more? Wiiware titles are 43mb. Adding all the extra content, it comes to no more than 50mb. A dvd can hold around 100x that much data.

I just downloaded Dr. Mario today. It's pretty sweet! Also, this topic should include VC stuff as well.
I couldn't wait to see the wii ware games! and when they came out I had 500 points so I bought defend your castle! and yes I know defend your castle is pretty lame, but I really don't care
Yoder Wrote:Badassbill Wrote:The only thing I'm not sure about is why with such a large file size, didn't square just pop in a bit more and have it as a cheap retail game.
A bit more? Wiiware titles are 43mb. Adding all the extra content, it comes to no more than 50mb. A dvd can hold around 100x that much data.

Wiiware titles have no limit, actually. Nintendo stated staying under 40mb will increase the chance of a game getting published. The game Puzzle Quest is a 120mb game, and that was on a 4.4gb dvd disc for wii.
Yoder Wrote:The 43meg limit isn't enforced, but Nintendo tells independent developers that they have a better chance of being accepted if thay adhere to that standard.
Yup, I know.
Also, Puzzle Quest wasn't a WiiWare game; it was a regular retail game.
I was very obviously using it as an example. You don't need to fill a DVD disc to sell a game.
I finally put more Wii Points on, and I was wondering...how many Wii points is the DLC for FFCC?
it varies.
something like 1800 points for everything currently available. but some of that is just alternate costumes, and supposedly a lot of it can be unlocked just by beating the game.